microsoft / react-native-windows

A framework for building native Windows apps with React.
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Native module dev experience problems #5914

Open asklar opened 4 years ago

asklar commented 4 years ago

Related: #5910

These are issues not related to "how to write" but still related to the dev experience of NM

  1. First build fails because something #includes a Folly header but Folly hasn’t been downloaded yet. Some inter-project dependency isn’t properly declared. A subsequent build succeeds, but this isn’t mentioned in the instructions either.
  2. After creating the module solution, we say: If you're writing in C++, you'll want to add Microsoft.ReactNative.Cxx: (“…via the Shared projects tab”) However that project does not show in the Shared projects tab. Continuing assuming this is not necessary. Is it? Oh actually it shows up if I restart Visual Studio…
  3. We should have a way to create the solution with the right references without requiring manual intervention
  4. The list of projects might need to be updated now that we’ve removed some Shared projects
  5. Instructions talk about creating an IDL file but doesn’t tell you how to in the VS UI
  6. Instructions mention to create a new app somewhere else and copy the windows folder over, can this be automated?
chrisglein commented 4 years ago

@stmoy we've got a number of issues being opened against native module behavior and documentation, and we need help collating them. Can you gather together some key people like @jonthysell and @vmoroz to help interpret the various lists of issue? (figure out what's a bug, what's a documentation fix, and what's highest priority)

chrisglein commented 3 years ago

This issue is fairly old now and the set of problems likely needs a refresh. @stmoy do you think this is a candidate for J.P. to delve into and give fresh eyes?