microsoft / reactxp

Library for cross-platform app development.
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ReactXP not compatible with react-native 0.65 without patch #1319

Open mikehardy opened 3 years ago

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

AccessibilityInfo.fetch was finally removed, this PR needs a merge+release for ReactXP to work with react-native 0.65+: #1126

If anyone else runs into this, there's a patch-package / format patch attached on the PR, works

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

@fbartho @deregtd @berickson1 @msfterictraut sincere apologies for the direct ping just wanted to mention that without the pull request linked here, which was reviewed and only on pause while we waited for a compatibility window (that has passed I think...) reactxp does not work at all with react-native 0.65+ as the deprecated accessibility property the PR moves away from was finally dropped

berickson1 commented 3 years ago

To be perfectly honest, I haven't kept up with react-native for the last year or so due to shifting job responsibilities. That being said, it does sound reasonable to make this breaking change that bumps the minimum RN version and change the usage of this API

mikehardy commented 3 years ago

Thanks @berickson1 - I just saw @erictraut merge some dependabot PRs using that handle vs mserictraut, perhaps he's the best ping with that handle :-)

erictraut commented 3 years ago

Hi @mikehardy, yes I've been merging dependabot PRs because it takes just a second, but I haven't been involved in any of the recent substantive discussions related to reactxp. I unfortunately don't have any time to dedicate to it at this time.

kg-currenxie commented 2 years ago

Same here. Needing patch to upgrade to 0.65. 0.66 is already out as well. More people are likely to run into this issue

realityworks commented 2 years ago

Project is no longer supported... This is why cross platform is dangerous.

mikehardy commented 2 years ago

This is why cross platform is dangerous.

I love making sweeping generalizations from one project as well! Open source comments are also super dangerous ;-)

I think in reality it is just that react-native-web "won" the mindshare here, at the same time that microsoft poured a bunch of resources into real macos and windows ports (have you seen those? they're quite lively!) meaning this repo is just not really needed.

Best part though: ReactXP just enabled you to write pretty-much standard react-native code which is still dangerously cross platform, so you can probably just drop your ReactXP code right into a react-native / react-native-web template (try but be careful, it's cross-platform) and it'll go.

mikehardy commented 2 years ago

Here's some more dangerously cross-platform stuff, one line command to init react-native-web + typescript + firebase with a fully built-out authentication signed-out/signed-in flow - if you're not careful it will work on all platforms though, so take care using it