microsoft / restler-fuzzer

RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.
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exit code 127 error on Mac Mini M1 #496

Open nc01315 opened 2 years ago

nc01315 commented 2 years ago

david@Davids-Mac-mini restler-fuzzer % python3 ./ --dest_dir ./restler_bin

Generating a new RESTler binary drop... Publishing dotnet core apps... Publishing project /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/compiler/Restler.CompilerExe/Restler.CompilerExe.fsproj to output dir restler_bin/compiler Determining projects to restore... Restored /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/compiler/Restler.CompilerExe/Restler.CompilerExe.fsproj (in 3.59 sec). Restored /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/compiler/Restler.Compiler/Restler.Compiler.fsproj (in 3.59 sec). Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 17.0.0+c9eb9dd64 for .NET Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Restler.Compiler -> /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/compiler/Restler.Compiler/bin/release/netcoreapp5.0/Restler.Compiler.dll Restler.CompilerExe -> /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/compiler/Restler.CompilerExe/bin/release/netcoreapp5.0/Restler.CompilerExe.dll Restler.CompilerExe -> /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/restler_bin/compiler/ Publishing project /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/ResultsAnalyzer/ResultsAnalyzer.fsproj to output dir restler_bin/resultsAnalyzer Determining projects to restore... Restored /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/compiler/Restler.Compiler/Restler.Compiler.fsproj (in 331 ms). Restored /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/ResultsAnalyzer/ResultsAnalyzer.fsproj (in 491 ms). Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 17.0.0+c9eb9dd64 for .NET Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Restler.Compiler -> /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/compiler/Restler.Compiler/bin/release/netcoreapp5.0/Restler.Compiler.dll ResultsAnalyzer -> /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/ResultsAnalyzer/bin/release/netcoreapp5.0/Restler.ResultsAnalyzer.dll ResultsAnalyzer -> /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/restler_bin/resultsAnalyzer/ Publishing project /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/driver/Restler.Driver.fsproj to output dir restler_bin/restler Determining projects to restore... Restored /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/compiler/Restler.Compiler/Restler.Compiler.fsproj (in 333 ms). Restored /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/driver/Restler.Driver.fsproj (in 1.54 sec). Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 17.0.0+c9eb9dd64 for .NET Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Restler.Compiler -> /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/compiler/Restler.Compiler/bin/release/netcoreapp5.0/Restler.Compiler.dll Restler.Driver -> /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/src/driver/bin/release/netcoreapp5.0/Restler.dll Restler.Driver -> /Users/david/Developer/restler-fuzzer/restler_bin/restler/ Testing compilation of Python files... Copying all python files... Build failed! Exit code: 127 b'/bin/sh: python: command not found\n' Removing engine compilation build directory...

I am trying to follow the instruction by running command on a M1 mac: latest Python, Git, Docker, .Net are all installed python3 ./ --dest_dir ./restler_bin, but got the exit code 127 error, not sure how to fix it

alex-vungle commented 2 years ago

I have same issue on my MBP with the M1 chip

marina-p commented 2 years ago

Hello @nc0135 and @sqli0189,

Do you still see this issue with the latest version of RESTler? I am wondering if the fix in this commit has addressed it:

If not, could you please try specifying the full path to python with an additional --python_path argument, and let me know if this resolves the error?



alex-vungle commented 2 years ago


I did test on both Intel chip devices and Apple M1 chip devices, I am able to successfully build the binaries on both of them, however when I run the restler command on the Mac device with Apple M1 chip, I will get an error as below(It seems dotNet 5. 0 will be deprecated? I can't find the binary package for Mac arm64, so I have to replace it with dotNet 6.0):

It was not possible to find any compatible framework version The framework 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '5.0.0' (arm64) was not found.

You can resolve the problem by installing the specified framework and/or SDK.

The specified framework can be found at:

On the Mac device with Intel chip(dotNet 5.0 + Python 3.9), I can successfully run the Restler command!~