microsoft / restler-fuzzer

RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.
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incorrect error message for invalid file path with multiple Swagger files specified in config.json #849

Open marina-p opened 5 months ago

marina-p commented 5 months ago


The following code (see Config.fs) should print the specific file path, but currently prints all of the files specified in the list.

      printfn "ERROR: invalid path found in the list of Swagger specs given: %A" p
      raise (ArgumentException(sprintf "invalid API spec file path found: %A" p))

Steps to reproduce

Add the following to the compiler config:

  "SwaggerSpecFilePath": [
     "1exists.json", "2exists.json", "3error.json" ]

Expected results

ERROR: invalid path found in the list of Swagger specs given: 3error.json

Actual results

ERROR: invalid path found in the list of Swagger specs given: [ ]

Environment details

No response