Open painsAgains opened 9 months ago
Now, I tested another specification and also got this error,so I thought the error is not due to specification.It is maybe due to grammar.json,but I compiled the specification successful, so I don't kown which part I made mistake
I faced a similar problem when passing grammar.json instead to --grammar_file parameter.
So instead
--grammar_file .\Compile\grammar.json"
It should be
--grammar_file .\Compile\"
Error description
When I run a command like ‘dotnet ..\restler_bin\restler\Restler.dll fuzz-lean --grammar_file .\Compile\grammar.json --dictionary_file .\Compile\dict.json --settings .\Compile\engine_settings.json --token_refresh_command "python ..\auth\" --token_refresh_interval 720’ , I got some problem:
ERROR: Restler engine failed.See logs in xxx directory for more information. Task FuzzLean failed.
And then I checked the "EngineStdErr.txt", it is empty, but "EngineStdOut.txt" showsCannot import grammar: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'loader'
. I also checked the "restler-xx-xx.log" content, I found the error was happened when executed the commandpython.exe -B "xx\restler\restler-fuzzer\restler_bin\restler\../engine/" --restler_grammar "xx\restler\restler-fuzzer\gitlab\Compile\grammar.json" --custom_mutations "xx\restler\restler-fuzzer\gitlab\Compile\dict.json" --set_version 9.2.3 --token_refresh_interval 720 --token_refresh_cmd "python ..\auth\" --settings "xx\restler\restler-fuzzer\gitlab\Compile\engine_settings.json" --enable_checkers * --disable_checkers namespacerule --include_user_agent --no_tokens_in_logs t --garbage_collection_interval 30 --fuzzing_mode directed-smoke-test exited with code: -1
So I'm guessing it's due to a problem with the openapi specification, but I don't know exactly what the problem is. I really hope someone can help me. This is my specification address: