microsoft / restler-fuzzer

RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.
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How to properly configure and use authentication tokens in Restler? #877

Open PIAy3R opened 3 months ago

PIAy3R commented 3 months ago


I followed the guide in to add a token for authentication in Restler. I configured the engine_settings.json file as follows:

  "per_resource_settings": {},
  "max_combinations": 20,
  "authentication": {
    "token": {
      "location": "token.txt",
      "token_refresh_interval":  300
  "no_tokens_in_logs": false

In this configuration, the token is expected to be stored in a file named token.txt. Here's an example of how the token.txt file looks like:

{u'api': {}}
Authorization: Bearer 5796defa170a0bd8d847ee91d116131ff3ff2014d58dfcbaee86dbc416b440b1

and the fuzzing command is

/home/MINER/restler_bin_atten/restler/Restler fuzz --grammar_file ./Compile/ --dictionary_file ./Compile/dict.json --settings ./Compile/engine_settings.json --no_ssl --time_budget 1 --disable_checkers payloadbody

However, this setup did not work as expected.

I also attempted another approach by using a Python script ( to generate the token dynamically. Here's the content of the file:

import sys
import json

def main(argv=None):
    sys.stdout.write("{u'api': {}}\n")
    sys.stdout.write("Authorization: Bearer 5796defa170a0bd8d847ee91d116131ff3ff2014d58dfcbaee86dbc416b440b1\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":

I then modified the Restler command to include the token_refresh_command option:

/home/MINER/restler_bin_atten/restler/Restler fuzz --grammar_file ./Compile/ --dictionary_file ./Compile/dict.json --settings ./Compile/engine_settings.json --no_ssl --time_budget 1 --disable_checkers payloadbody --token_refresh_command 'python' --token_refresh_interval 720

Even with this method, Restler still failed to authenticate properly.

Additionally, I tried adding the token directly into the dictionary file (dict.json) using the restler_custom_payload_header option:

"restler_custom_payload_header": {
    ["Bearer 5796defa170a0bd8d847ee91d116131ff3ff2014d58dfcbaee86dbc416b440b1"]

However, none of these approaches resolved the authentication issue, there would always be a 401 status code in the responses of the requests I had sent. And I never found the information in network log like the following content

2022-10-25 16:29:56.826: Will refresh token: python f:/restler-fuzzer-main/restler_workdir_1.0/
2022-10-25 16:29:56.913: New value: {u'api': {}}
Authorization: Bearer xxx

I have verified that the file paths are correct.

henning410 commented 2 weeks ago

For me, my token.txt looks like:

Authorization: Bearer <Your_Token>

Maybe this will work also for you. Also make sure, your path in engine_settings.json is set correctly. You need to specify the absolute path