microsoft / restler-fuzzer

RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.
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Problem with Fuzz-lean since last update #902

Open blizzy0 opened 5 days ago

blizzy0 commented 5 days ago


Hello everyone I have encountered an issue with fuzz-lean since I update restler, after I launch the fuzzing all requests are sent very quickly and restler ends the task before even getting any response, after using the version from marche 2023 everything works fine.

Steps to reproduce

fuzzlean with restler on a linux target connected to a dhcp server

Expected results

working the same as the previous version

Actual results

Fuzzing ends before getting any response

Environment details

python 3.11.6 restler 9.2.4

marina-p commented 4 days ago

Hello @blizzy0,

Thank you for reporting this. Could you please provide more details about the upgrade - which was the version you ran before, and which version did you update to? Did you just update to the latest commit, '694cc9e63dc61b372ddab5c6648223e4329ee6fa'? And, before, were you running v9.2.4 (commit '504a6cd5833a99952c8ef4e63865552d180ee706')?

In the network.testing.*.txt, could you please share the snippet around the first few 'Sending: ...' and 'Received: ...' output? Feel free to omit the text of specific requests, this is just to get an idea of the timestamps and additional info printed, if any.

If you aren't recompiling, then perhaps this is related to a recent change in the handling to chunked encoding - could you please try the version at this commit and see if this resolves your issue: 'c41ef5641abd161b485f348c7cfe27527308cf30'?

