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Proxy should have active health checks to confirm the state of destinations #228

Closed Tratcher closed 3 years ago

Tratcher commented 4 years ago

We have the IHealthProbeWorker and associated infrastructure, but it's all internal and nobody ever starts it.

This was forked from the original partner team code before health checks were completely implemented. Some missing pieces:


davidni commented 4 years ago

@Tratcher We've made substantial changes in this area since the hard fork:

When are you planning to tackle this? I don't have the bandwidth to prepare a PR until at least late next week.

Tratcher commented 4 years ago

We haven't scheduled it yet, I only filed it for tracking once we realized it was incomplete.

davidni commented 4 years ago

FYI, I've started to cleanup and refactor our internal implementation in prep for submitting a PR here. Earliest ETA remains late next week.

Tratcher commented 4 years ago

When looking at the design also consider for pulling health state from another service.

alnikola commented 4 years ago

Design proposal


From time to time, destinations can get unhealthy and start failing requests processing due to various reasons, thus to prevent request failures and maintain a good quality of service YARP must monitor destinations health status and stop sending traffic to the ones became unhealthy until they have recovered.


Health check policies

Default implementation provides the following active and passive health check polices.



Active health check settings

Passive health check settings

Data Flow

Health checks with reactivation



    "Clusters": {
        "cluster1": {
            "LoadBalancing": {
                "Mode": "Random"
            "HealthChecks": {
                "Active": {
                    "Enabled": "true",
                    "Interval": "00:05:00",
                    "Timeout": "00:00:30",
                    "Policy": "FailOnAny5xx",
                    "Path": "/Heath"
                "Passive": {
                    "Enabled": "true",
                    "Policy": "FailureRate",
                    "ReactivationPeriod": "00:05:00"
            "Destinations": {
                "cluster1/destination1": {
                    "Address": "https://localhost:10000/",
                    "Health": "https://localhost:4040/"
                "cluster1/destination2": {
                    "Address": "http://localhost:10010/"
           "Metadata": {
               "PassiveHealthCheck.FailureRate.Period": "00:01:00",
               "PassiveHealthCheck.FailureRate.Percentage": "0.3"


// Abstractions
    public class ActiveHealthCheckOptions
        public bool Enabled { get; set; }

        public TimeSpan Interval { get; set; }

        public TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; }

        public string Policy { get; set; }

        public string Path { get; set; }

    public class PassiveHealthCheckOptions
        public bool Enabled { get; set; }

        public string Policy { get; set; }

        public TimeSpan ReactivationPeriod { get; set; }

    public class HealthCheckOptions
        public ActiveHealthCheckOptions Active { get; set; }

        public PassiveHealthCheckOptions Passive { get; set; }

    public class Cluster
        // ...

        public HealthCheckOptions HealthChecks { get; set; }

// Runtime model
    public class CompositeDestinationHealth
        public CompositeDestinationHealth(DestinationHealth active, DestinationHealth passive)
            // ...

        public CompositeDestinationHealth(DestinationHealth externalCurrent)
            // ...

        public DestinationHealth Active { get; }

        public DestinationHealth Passive { get; }

        public DestinationHealth Current { get; }

    public class DestinationDynamicState
        public CompositeDestinationHealth Health { get; }

    public interface IModelChangeListener
        void OnClustersChanged(ClusterInfo cluster);

// Middleware
    internal class HealthCheckMiddleware
        public HealthCheckMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, IPassiveHealthWatcher watcher, IOperationLogger<HealthCheckMiddleware> operationLogger)
            /// ...

        public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context)
            /// ...

// Active health checks
    public interface IActiveHealthMonitor : IDisposable
        Task ForceCheckAll(IEnumerable<ClusterInfo> allClusters);

    public interface IActiveHealthCheckPolicy
        void ProbingFailed(ClusterConfig cluster, DestinationInfo destination, HttpStatusCode code, Exception exception);

        void ProbingSucceeded(ClusterConfig cluster, DestinationInfo destination);

    public abstract class BaseActiveHealthMonitor: IActiveHealthMonitor, IModelChangeListener

// Passive health checks
    public interface IPassiveHealthWatcher
        void RequestProxied(ClusterConfig cluster, DestinationInfo destination, HttpContext context, IProxyErrorFeature? error);

    public interface IPassiveHealthCheckPolicy
        void RequestFailed(ClusterConfig cluster, DestinationInfo destination, HttpContext context, IProxyErrorFeature error);

        void RequestSucceeded(ClusterConfig cluster, DestinationInfo destination, HttpContext context);

    public interface IReactivationScheduler
        void ScheduleMarkingHealthy(ClusterConfig cluster, DestinationInfo destination);
Tratcher commented 4 years ago
  • Support an external destination health data source which can either completely substitute the built-in health checks or be combined with them (see #304)

Is there also a requirement for the reverse scenario, pushing health data to an external service? Or at least publicly exposing it so such an operation could be performed? It seems like #306 would also require access to health data.

IPassiveHealthWatcher - reacts to requests proxying results reported by the ProxyInvokerMiddleware

There's no technical reason it needs to be part of ProxyInvokerMiddleware right? I think the only unique knowledge ProxyInvokerMiddleware has right now is which DestinationInfo was finally selected, and that's data we should find a way to preserve regardless. IPassiveHealthWatcher should be inserted into the pipeline with its own middleware to maximize customization flexibility even up to being able to remove/replace the whole middleware.


In the diagram, both IActiveHealthMonitor and IPassiveHealthWatcher should be pointing at the same IDestinationHealthEvaluationStrategy, right?

it updates Health property on the DestinationInfo.DynamicStateSignal

We'll need to discuss the public usage of signals here. We've avoided their use in public APIs so far.

Tratcher commented 4 years ago

IPassiveHealthWatcher seems like it should be able to examine responses in more detail to decide what it considers a failure. Should it be passed the HttpContext? E.g. the destination could respond with a 503 or a 400 and that wouldn't generate a IProxyErrorFeature today, IProxyErrorFeature primarily captures exceptions.

Tratcher commented 4 years ago

Do the active health probes use the same per-cluster HttpClient as the proxied requests?

Where do we configure the active health check endpoint?

samsp-msft commented 4 years ago
  • Con:

    • The health checks may be queued behind other requests, take longer to run.

Is there a timeout for the health checks. In which case the above may actually be a good thing - the host is obviously overloaded if it can't answer - or would that lead to more trouble?

Where do we configure the active health check endpoint?

  • At the cluster level supply a path like /health-checks.
  • At the destination level allow an alternate prefix (scheme, host, port, path) so you can specify that health checks are done on a different scheme/port.
  • Active health checks are sent to the the destination (or alternate) prefix + cluster health path.

I like the idea of having an optional path scheme on the destination - possibly as a relative URI- so the port, path can be changed if necessary.

Tratcher commented 4 years ago

For the config schema, I'm expecting health checks to have their own per-cluster section:

        "cluster1": {
            "LoadBalancing": {
                "Mode": "Random"
            "HealthChecks": {
                "Enabled": "true",
                "Interval", "00:05:00"
                "Timeout", "00:00:30"
                "Strategy": "TakeLatest",
                "Path": "/Heath",
            "Destinations": {
                "cluster1/destination1": {
                    "Address": "https://localhost:10001/",
                    "Health": "http://localhost:4040/",

See some of the existing settings we have in the system:

Edit: Not sure about the schema for enabling/disabling passive health checks, or what config they might need. Any config there seems like it would be strategy specific and likely exposed via cluster metadata.

samsp-msft commented 4 years ago

If a path is set on the healthchecks and a host on the destination do they get appeneded, or should a path on the destination be considered an override.

Tratcher commented 4 years ago

I'd recommend they append for consistency. That's how the cluster path would apply to the normal destination prefix.

davidni commented 4 years ago

Thinking about previous discussions about "gradual warm-up" of destinations as well as soft Vs. hard failure modes, would it perhaps make sense to make the health signal a double instead of a boolean? The AND could be implemented as a multiply, and the final health value for a destination could be multiplied with its weight to affect final routing decisions.

This would enable interesting scenarios (e.g. reduce weight to a destination if its latency is increasing, but don't remove it from rotation entirely, to mitigate cascading failure / snowball effect. To be clear, this is more future looking, and we don't need it right away.

alnikola commented 4 years ago

That's an interesting idea. Though, I was thinking about a different approach to gradual warm-up where we kept destination weight and health status separately. That way, a new class GradualWarmUpPolicy : IDestinationActivationPolicy would be a yet another recipient of destination's health change event which would react to the "Unhealthy -> Healthy" transition by starting gradually increasing the destination's weight and thus increasing the load.

Tratcher commented 4 years ago

@davidni, that's a good point, health isn't necessarily binary. I've seen a number of systems that use at least three states (healthy, degraded, offline). If we didn't want to go with a full double we may still consider using several buckets, including one for slow start. This may have interesting effects in the stack, like maybe load balancing prefers heathy endpoints, but session affinity allows any state but offline.

alnikola commented 4 years ago

Health state buckets seem as a good compromise between binary and double values.

Tratcher commented 4 years ago

IActiveHealthMonitor depends on IClusterManager and Signals for config change notifications, neither of which are currently public. We'll need a public solution here for IActiveHealthMonitor to be a viable extensibility point.

Tratcher commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to understand the separation of responsibilities between IPassiveHealthWatcher vs IPassiveHealthCheckPolicy and IActiveHealthMonitor vs IActiveHealthCheckPolicy.

IPassiveHealthWatcher is passed the entire request/response, makes some determination about that being a success or failure, looks up the policy for the current cluster, and then calls IPassiveHealthCheckPolicy with the same parameters. Determining success or failure seems like it should be a concern for IPassiveHealthCheckPolicy, not IPassiveHealthWatcher? Would it make more sense if IPassiveHealthWatcher's sole responsibility was to look up the policy for a cluster and call it, then have the policy determine success or failure? That would also help with our non-binary ideas around health states.

IActiveHealthMonitor has a similar concern. IActiveHealthMonitor's responsibility is scheduling and sending the health probes, not determining if they succeeded or failed. Here again I think it'd make more sense to pass the whole response to the cluster specific IActiveHealthCheckPolicy and let it determine success/failure/health. The response may also contain hints like "retry-after" that could influence the health state algorithm beyond the scope of a single probe.

alnikola commented 4 years ago

IActiveHealthMonitor depends on IClusterManager and Signals for config change notifications, neither of which are currently public. We'll need a public solution here for IActiveHealthMonitor to be a viable extensibility point.

Valid point. To avoid exposing IClusterManager and signals, I propose propagate Cluster changes via push instead of pulling cluster collection from IClusterManager. Specifically:

  1. Add a new interface IModelChangeListener with OnClustersChanged(Cluster cluster) method. It can be implemented by several services, so all implementations will be registered via TryAddEnumerable.
  2. Add IModelChangeListener as a base interface of IActiveHealthMonitor.
  3. Add a virtual method OnItemChanged(T item) to ItemManagerBase<T> that will be called right after UpdateSignal call in ItemManagerBase<T>.GetOrCreateItem.
  4. Implement UpdateSignal method in ClusterManager with code calling OnClusterChanged on all registered IModelChangeListener implementations.

In code

public interface IModelChangeListener
    void OnClustersChanged(Cluster cluster);

public interface IActiveHealthMonitor : IModelChangeListener, IDisposable
    Task ForceCheckAll(IEnumerable<ClusterInfo> allClusters);

internal abstract ItemManagerBase<T>
    // ...
    public T GetOrCreateItem(string itemId, Action<T> setupAction)
        // ...
        if (!existed)
            _items.Add(itemId, item);
            OnItemChanged(item); // New code

        protected virtual void OnItemChanged(T item)
            // Do nothing by default.
        // ...

internal sealed class ClusterManager
    private readonly IModelChangeListener[] _listeners;
    // ...
    protected override void OnItemChanged(Cluster item)
        foreach (var listener in _listeners)
alnikola commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to understand the separation of responsibilities between IPassiveHealthWatcher vs IPassiveHealthCheckPolicy and IActiveHealthMonitor vs IActiveHealthCheckPolicy.

IPassiveHealthWatcher is passed the entire request/response, makes some determination about that being a success or failure, looks up the policy for the current cluster, and then calls IPassiveHealthCheckPolicy with the same parameters. Determining success or failure seems like it should be a concern for IPassiveHealthCheckPolicy, not IPassiveHealthWatcher? Would it make more sense if IPassiveHealthWatcher's sole responsibility was to look up the policy for a cluster and call it, then have the policy determine success or failure? That would also help with our non-binary ideas around health states.

IActiveHealthMonitor has a similar concern. IActiveHealthMonitor's responsibility is scheduling and sending the health probes, not determining if they succeeded or failed. Here again I think it'd make more sense to pass the whole response to the cluster specific IActiveHealthCheckPolicy and let it determine success/failure/health. The response may also contain hints like "retry-after" that could influence the health state algorithm beyond the scope of a single probe.

My idea was a concern separation between policies on one side and Watcher/Monitor on the other. Meaning, PassiveHealthWatcher and ActiveHealthMonitor incapsulate logic of running a check operation and registering its result (though, for Watcher is seems as a simple pass-through), but they don't know how that result affects destinations health. Whereas, policies incapsulate calculation of a new destination health status based on the current status and the check result, but are they not aware of how the check operation itself is executed.

Having that said, I see your point that passing the entire request/response message or a probing result to policies can make it more flexible, but not sure if it justifies an increased coupling between the check logic and the health status evaluation.