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[heft] clean.json in repo root (common/config/heft) is ignored #2196

Open jasonswearingen opened 4 years ago

jasonswearingen commented 4 years ago

Is this a feature or a bug?

Please describe the actual behavior. given a clean.json like the following:

"pathsToDelete": [

put in common/config/heft does not appear to be used when invoking pnpm build (a package.json script which runs heft test --clean)

I need to move the file to the current project's .heft folder for it to be used.

If the issue is a bug, how can we reproduce it? Please provide detailed steps and include a GitHub branch if applicable. Your issue will get resolved faster if you can make it easy to investigate.

move <projectFolder>/.heft/clean.json to common/config/heft/clean.json

What is the expected behavior? it to work, as documented here: (under "Supported File Paths" section)

If this is a bug, please provide the tool version, Node.js version, and OS.

jasonswearingen commented 4 years ago

tested copy-static-assets.json and same bugged behavior

iclanton commented 4 years ago

The common/config/heft files were recently removed in favor of an "extends" field in each config file, and we're planning on adding a concept of "configuration rigs" where a project will extend all config files from a "rig" project.

Looks like we need to update the docs. @octogonz, you were going to put together some example config files as part of the larger refactor. Have you had a chance to make any progress on that?