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[api-extractor] "ERROR: Symbol not found for identifier:" #2413

Open menduz opened 3 years ago

menduz commented 3 years ago


Unknown error without diagnostics information.

Screen Shot 2021-01-05 at 13 53 13

Repro steps

Clone this repo: and run make build

This is the only file that should be bundled:

export declare namespace ParseUrlParams {
    type ParserError<T extends string> = {
        error: true;
    } & T;
    type CleanKey<State extends string> = string extends State ? ParserError<"CleanKey got generic string type"> : State extends `${infer Key}(${infer _})${infer Rest}` ? `${Key}${Rest}` : State;
    type AddUrlSection<State extends string, Memo extends Record<string, any> = {}> = string extends State ? ParserError<"AddUrlSection got generic string type"> : CleanKey<State> extends `${infer Key}/` ? AddKeyValue<Memo, Key, string> : CleanKey<State> extends `${infer Key}*${infer Rest}` ? ParseUrlParams<Rest, AddOptionalKeyValue<Memo, Key, string | string[]>> : CleanKey<State> extends `${infer Key}/${infer Rest}` ? ParseUrlParams<Rest, AddKeyValue<Memo, Key, string>> : CleanKey<State> extends `${infer Key}+${infer Rest}` ? ParseUrlParams<Rest, AddKeyValue<Memo, Key, string | string[]>> : CleanKey<State> extends `${infer Key}?${infer Rest}` ? ParseUrlParams<Rest, AddOptionalKeyValue<Memo, Key, string>> : CleanKey<State> extends `${infer Key}.${infer Rest}` ? ParseUrlParams<Rest, AddKeyValue<Memo, Key, string>> : CleanKey<State> extends `${infer Key}-${infer Rest}` ? ParseUrlParams<Rest, AddKeyValue<Memo, Key, string>> : CleanKey<State> extends `${infer Key}` ? AddKeyValue<Memo, Key, string> : ParseUrlParams<`AddUrlSection returned unexpected value for: ${State}`>;
    type AddKeyValue<Memo extends Record<string, any>, Key extends string, Value extends any> = Memo & {
        [K in Key]: Value;
    type AddOptionalKeyValue<Memo extends Record<string, any>, Key extends string, Value extends any> = Memo & {
        [K in Key]?: Value;
 * Creates object types compliant with and Express.js
 * @public
export declare type ParseUrlParams<State extends string, Memo extends Record<string, any> = {}> = string extends State ? ParseUrlParams.ParserError<"ParseUrlParams got generic string type"> : State extends `${infer _}:${infer Rest}` ? ParseUrlParams.AddUrlSection<Rest, Memo> : Memo;

Expected result: I expected to have an identity function over that file since it is the only file that should be checked.

Actual result: Failure


What do you think is the cause of this problem?: I smell it may be related to the infer keyword.

Standard questions

Please answer these questions to help us investigate your issue more quickly:

Question Answer
@microsoft/api-extractor version? 7.12.1
Operating system? Mac
API Extractor scenario? reporting ( / rollups (.d.ts) / docs (.api.json)
Would you consider contributing a PR? Not enough knowledge to do it
TypeScript compiler version? 4.1.3
Node.js version (node -v)? 14.15.0


Analysis will use the bundled TypeScript version 4.0.5
*** The target project appears to use TypeScript 4.1.3 which is newer than the bundled compiler engine; consider upgrading API Extractor.

DIAGNOSTIC: Final prepared ExtractorConfig
  "projectFolder": "~/code/typed-url-params",
  "packageJson": {
    "bin": null,
    "dependencies": null,
    "description": "",
    "devDependencies": {
      "@microsoft/api-extractor": "^7.12.1",
      "typescript": "^4.1.3"
    "homepage": "",
    "license": "MIT",
    "main": "dist/index.js",
    "name": "typed-url-params",
    "optionalDependencies": null,
    "peerDependencies": null,
    "private": null,
    "scripts": {
      "test": "tsc -p tsconfig.json && node dist/test.js"
    "typings": "dist/index.d.ts",
    "tsdocMetadata": null,
    "version": "1.0.0"
  "packageFolder": "~/code/typed-url-params",
  "mainEntryPointFilePath": "~/code/typed-url-params/dist/index.d.ts",
  "bundledPackages": [],
  "tsconfigFilePath": "~/code/typed-url-params/tsconfig.json",
  "overrideTsconfig": null,
  "skipLibCheck": true,
  "apiReportEnabled": true,
  "reportFilePath": "~/code/typed-url-params/etc/",
  "reportTempFilePath": "~/code/typed-url-params/temp/",
  "docModelEnabled": true,
  "apiJsonFilePath": "~/code/typed-url-params/dist/typed-url-params.api.json",
  "rollupEnabled": false,
  "untrimmedFilePath": "~/code/typed-url-params/dist/typed-url-params.d.ts",
  "betaTrimmedFilePath": "",
  "publicTrimmedFilePath": "",
  "omitTrimmingComments": false,
  "tsdocMetadataEnabled": true,
  "tsdocMetadataFilePath": "~/code/typed-url-params/dist/tsdoc-metadata.json",
  "newlineKind": "\r\n",
  "messages": {
    "compilerMessageReporting": {
      "default": {
        "logLevel": "warning"
    "extractorMessageReporting": {
      "default": {
        "logLevel": "warning"
      "ae-forgotten-export": {
        "logLevel": "warning",
        "addToApiReportFile": true
      "ae-incompatible-release-tags": {
        "logLevel": "warning",
        "addToApiReportFile": true
      "ae-internal-missing-underscore": {
        "logLevel": "warning",
        "addToApiReportFile": true
      "ae-internal-mixed-release-tag": {
        "logLevel": "warning",
        "addToApiReportFile": true
      "ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-reference": {
        "logLevel": "warning",
        "addToApiReportFile": true
      "ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-base": {
        "logLevel": "warning",
        "addToApiReportFile": true
    "tsdocMessageReporting": {
      "default": {
        "logLevel": "warning"
  "testMode": false

DIAGNOSTIC: Compiler options
  "target": 4,
  "module": 1,
  "declaration": true,
  "declarationMap": true,
  "sourceMap": true,
  "outDir": "~/code/typed-url-params/dist",
  "strict": true,
  "strictNullChecks": true,
  "types": [],
  "esModuleInterop": true,
  "skipLibCheck": true,
  "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
  "configFilePath": null

DIAGNOSTIC: Root filenames

DIAGNOSTIC: Files analyzed by compiler

ERROR: Symbol not found for identifier:
menduz commented 3 years ago

Update: It works if I execute

rm -rf node_modules/@microsoft/api-extractor/node_modules/typescript