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[heft] Heft clean fails with ENOTEMPTY due to lingering Jest subprocesses #2712

Open octogonz opened 3 years ago

octogonz commented 3 years ago


When Heft is terminated using CTRL+C, Jest subprocesses sometimes linger and interfere with future operations.

Repro steps

# Start Heft
$ heft test --clean

# press CTRL+C, then immediately afterwards invoke this command
$ heft test --clean --debug

Our users report that occasionally they will see an error like this:

. . .
Starting test
[TypeScript Plugin] Config file "/path/to/my-project/config/typescript.json" does not exist. Attempting to load via rig.
 ---- Clean started ----
[delete-globs] Config file "/path/to/my-project/config/heft.json" does not exist. Attempting to load via rig.
[delete-globs] Deleted folder "/path/to/my-project/lib-commonjs"
[delete-globs] Deleted folder "/path/to/my-project/dist"
[delete-globs] Deleted folder "/path/to/my-project/lib"
[delete-globs] Deleted folder "/path/to/my-project/temp"
 ---- Clean encountered an error (10022ms) ----
-------------------- Finished (18.946s) --------------------
Project: @hbo/hbomax-dataservices-content@0.0.0
Heft version: 0.30.2
Node version: v12.17.0
Error: ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir '/path/to/my-project/.heft/build-cache/jest-cache/jest-transform-cache-0eae658f6b074ec5d72ad887a12ed0b2-f8238a99880aac6151736010e575fab1'
Error: ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty, rmdir '/path/to/my-project/.heft/build-cache/jest-cache/jest-transform-cache-0eae658f6b074ec5d72ad887a12ed0b2-f8238a99880aac6151736010e575fab1'
    at Object.rmdirSync (fs.js:843:3)
    at rmkidsSync (/path/to/my-rush-repo/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/fs-extra@7.0.1/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js:308:25)
    at rmdirSync (/path/to/my-rush-repo/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/fs-extra@7.0.1/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js:281:7)
    at rimrafSync (/path/to/my-rush-repo/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/fs-extra@7.0.1/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js:252:7)
    at /path/to/my-rush-repo/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/fs-extra@7.0.1/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js:291:39
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at rmkidsSync (/path/to/my-rush-repo/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/fs-extra@7.0.1/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js:291:26)
    at rmdirSync (/path/to/my-rush-repo/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/fs-extra@7.0.1/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js:281:7)
    at Object.rimrafSync (/path/to/my-rush-repo/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/fs-extra@7.0.1/node_modules/fs-extra/lib/remove/rimraf.js:252:7)
    at /path/to/my-rush-repo/common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/@rushstack+node-core-library@3.37.0/node_modules/@rushstack/node-core-library/lib/FileSystem.js:320:17
The script failed with exit code 1


Possible fixes:

  1. More aggressively terminate Jest subprocesses when Heft terminates.
  2. Make heft clean more robust for this scenario.

The .heft/build-cache/jest-cache/ folder gets registered for heft clean by this code:

The race condition happens like this:

Note that the FileSystem.js callstack is truncated because some code is still using promises instead of async /await. We should fix that if possible.

Standard questions

Please answer these questions to help us investigate your issue more quickly:

Question Answer
@rushstack/heft version? 0.30.2
Operating system? Mac
Node.js version (node -v)? v12.17.0
octogonz commented 3 years ago

I bet that this will be fixed by the improved subprocess management in PR

octogonz commented 3 years ago

PR #2717 did not fix the problem. :-/

iclanton commented 3 years ago

Does Jest give us its subprocess PIDs? Wonder if we can just aggressively kill those.