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[heft] No linting during `heft start` #3381

Open Faithfinder opened 2 years ago

Faithfinder commented 2 years ago

Follow up from Zulip question:

Currently heft start doesn't show linting errors. Personally, I would like it to do that, otherwise there's a high chance the developers will commit them and only find out when CI runs build. Doesn't have to block the dev server, but showing errors in console would be very helpful.

dmichon-msft commented 2 years ago

Currently by design but will be revisited in the current redesign that Heft is undergoing.

dmichon-msft commented 1 year ago

There's a complication here in that Heft attempted to do incremental linting, however the list of changed files that need to be emitted according to TypeScript is apparently not quite the same as the list of files that need to be re-linted. The main reason linting is disabled in watch mode is because it is expensive; however with linting potentially running in parallel to bundling this may be less of a concern.

Faithfinder commented 1 year ago

I'm very happy with the experience of using Vite with this plugin:

TLDR - you get output/app runs regardless of linting and typechecking, and those are running in parallel in a worker thread, showing you the results as they become ready.