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[rush] Autoinstaller doesn't get the auto-install-peers config from pnpm-config.json #4733

Open kenrick95 opened 1 month ago

kenrick95 commented 1 month ago


When updating autoinstaller's lockfile, the PNPM auto-install-peers config isn't inherited from pnpm-config.json. It seems like it is using the PNPM's default value, in which in PNPM 8, it defaults to auto-install-peers = true.

One workaround is to edit common/config/rush/.npmrc to add the line that says auto-install-peers = false. However this will emit warning when running rush install/rush update:

Warning: PNPM's auto-install-peers is specified in both .npmrc and pnpm-config.json. The value in pnpm-config.json will take precedence.

If it is not meant to inherit the config from pnpm-config.json, there should be other way to set this config only for the autoinstaller. At point of writing, it is not possible to create a .npmrc only for autoinstaller as Rush will sync the common/config/rush/.npmrc to the autoinstaller's .npmrc

Repro steps

Repro repo:


Standard questions

Please answer these questions to help us investigate your issue more quickly:

Question Answer
@microsoft/rush globally installed version? 5.117.8
rushVersion from rush.json? 5.124.7
useWorkspaces from rush.json? Yes
Operating system? Mac
Would you consider contributing a PR? Yes
Node.js version (node -v)? 18.20.2
iclanton commented 1 month ago

The easiest way to handle this is to probably create a .npmrc specifically for autoinstallers. @kenrick95 - Would you be interested in putting together that change?

kenrick95 commented 1 month ago

Sure thing!

To approach this, I'm thinking of having an optional .npmrc-autoinstaller in common/config/rush/, which works like .npmrc-publish.

How does that sound?