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feat: mention struct update syntax #37

Closed fitzchivalrik closed 7 months ago

fitzchivalrik commented 1 year ago

When talking about the with expression in C#, mention the struct update syntax^1 as something similar in Rust.

fitzchivalrik commented 1 year ago

For example, if Point is part of some module then the fields x and y would be private to the code that's external to the module.

Yeah, I was debating whether that should be mentioned explicitly, or if it would complicate things too much. I decided to not mention it, because I thought it is the same for with; as in, the fields need to be accessible at call site to be able to use with:

using System;

public readonly record struct Point {
    internal readonly int X {get; init;}
    private readonly int Y {get; init;}
    public Point(int x, int y) => (X,Y)=(x,y);
    public override String ToString() => $"Point {{ X = {this.X}, Y= {this.Y} }}";
public class Program
    public static void Main()
        var pt = new Point(123, 456);
        pt = pt with { X = 789 }; // Error if `X` is declared private above, or if `Main()` is in another project/module.
        Console.WriteLine(pt.ToString()); // prints: Point { X = 789, Y = 456 }
atifaziz commented 1 year ago

I thought it is the same for with; as in, the fields need to be accessible at call site to be able to use with

Right, but in the C# example, X and Y are properties, not fields, and so it's comparing apples to oranges.

fitzchivalrik commented 1 year ago

but in the C# example, X and Y are properties, not fields,

Ah, yeah, fair point! Thank you!

fitzchivalrik commented 1 year ago

I updated it according to the suggestions - at least, I hope I understood them correctly ^^. I am not sure, however, if the last bit with the 'bake into type' still makes sense there, or if it maybe should be changed to a 'copy'-style update, instead of a consuming one.

atifaziz commented 8 months ago

@fitzchivalrik If you could agree to the CLA then I can get this merged. Thanks!

fitzchivalrik commented 8 months ago

@atifaziz No worries, thanks for coming back to it. Unfortunately, I do not really want to agree to the CLA. (I am unsure if this contribution even passes the threshold of originality, but I am not a lawyer, of course.)

If this causes complications, I would be open to agree to the CLA only for this specific contribution (and not in general), if this is at all possible.

atifaziz commented 8 months ago

If this causes complications, I would be open to agree to the CLA only for this specific contribution (and not in general), if this is at all possible.

@fitzchivalrik I understand. How about this? You sign it now for this contribution and if you feel uncomfortable with the CLA at any point thereafter and want to revoke it for future contributions, you always have the option to terminate the agreement by issuing the following command:

@microsoft-github-policy-service terminate

However, I'd encourage you to seek clarity on the CLA so you're eventually comfortable with it because we appreciate and value your contributions!

fitzchivalrik commented 7 months ago

Sorry for the delay. Thanks for the terminate command - agreeing, and then terminating it later here is fine for me. @microsoft-github-policy-service agree

fitzchivalrik commented 4 months ago

@microsoft-github-policy-service terminate

microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] commented 4 months ago

@fitzchivalrik please read the following Contributor License Agreement(CLA). If you agree with the CLA, please reply with the following information.

@microsoft-github-policy-service agree [company="{your company}"]


  • (default - no company specified) I have sole ownership of intellectual property rights to my Submissions and I am not making Submissions in the course of work for my employer.
    @microsoft-github-policy-service agree
  • (when company given) I am making Submissions in the course of work for my employer (or my employer has intellectual property rights in my Submissions by contract or applicable law). I have permission from my employer to make Submissions and enter into this Agreement on behalf of my employer. By signing below, the defined term “You” includes me and my employer.
    @microsoft-github-policy-service agree company="Microsoft"
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You must agree to the terms of this Agreement before making a Submission to any Project. This Agreement covers any and all Submissions that You, now or in the future (except as described in Section 4 below), Submit to any Project. 3. **Originality of Work**. You represent that each of Your Submissions is entirely Your original work. Should You wish to Submit materials that are not Your original work, You may Submit them separately to the Project if You (a) retain all copyright and license information that was in the materials as You received them, (b) in the description accompanying Your Submission, include the phrase “Submission containing materials of a third party:” followed by the names of the third party and any licenses or other restrictions of which You are aware, and (c) follow any other instructions in the Project’s written guidelines concerning Submissions. 4. **Your Employer**. 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You grant Microsoft, and those who receive the Submission directly or indirectly from Microsoft, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license in the Submission to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, and distribute the Submission and such derivative works, and to sublicense any or all of the foregoing rights to third parties. * **Patent License**. You grant Microsoft, and those who receive the Submission directly or indirectly from Microsoft, a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable license under Your patent claims that are necessarily infringed by the Submission or the combination of the Submission with the Project to which it was Submitted to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell and import or otherwise dispose of the Submission alone or with the Project. * **Other Rights Reserved**. Each party reserves all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement. 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UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING, AND EXCEPT FOR THE WARRANTIES EXPRESSLY STATED IN SECTIONS 3, 4, AND 6, THE SUBMISSION PROVIDED UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTY OF NONINFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 7. **Notice to Microsoft**. You agree to notify Microsoft in writing of any facts or circumstances of which You later become aware that would make Your representations in this Agreement inaccurate in any respect. 8. **Information about Submissions**. You agree that contributions to Projects and information about contributions may be maintained indefinitely and disclosed publicly, including Your name and other information that You submit with Your Submission. 9. **Governing Law/Jurisdiction**. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Washington, and the parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts sitting in King County, Washington, unless no federal subject matter jurisdiction exists, in which case the parties consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the Superior Court of King County, Washington. The parties waive all defenses of lack of personal jurisdiction and forum non-conveniens. 10. **Entire Agreement/Assignment**. This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties, and supersedes any and all prior agreements, understandings or communications, written or oral, between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. This Agreement may be assigned by Microsoft.