microsoft / sample-app-aoai-chatGPT

Sample code for a simple web chat experience through Azure OpenAI, including Azure OpenAI On Your Data.
MIT License
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docs: update #971

Open eltociear opened 5 days ago

eltociear commented 5 days ago

Motivation and Context


constucted -> constructed

Contribution Checklist

taitaitai1777 commented 5 days ago

To address the proposed update to the in the microsoft/sample-app-aoai-chatGPT GitHub repository, here’s how you can review and solve the documentation update request by the contributor. The purpose here is to correct a typographical error in the file.

Here's a step-by-step guide to handle this contribution:

Step 1: Review the Proposed Changes

First, you need to review the changes proposed in the pull request #971 by the contributor eltociear. According to your description, the change involves correcting the word "constucted" to "constructed".

Step 2: Clone and Fetch the Latest Code

To ensure you're working with the latest code, clone the repository and fetch the latest changes:

git clone
cd sample-app-aoai-chatGPT
git fetch origin
git checkout main
git pull

Step 3: Check Out the Contributor's Branch

Check out the branch that contains the proposed change by the contributor:

git fetch origin pull/971/head:patch-2
git checkout patch-2

Step 4: Review the Change Locally

Review the changes locally to ensure they are correct. Open the file and check the modifications:

nano  # or use any other text editor like vim, code, etc.

Expected Change:

# Before
This project was constucted to demonstrate...

# After
This project was constructed to demonstrate...

Step 5: Test the Application (if necessary)

Even though the change is in the documentation, verify that the application builds and runs correctly to ensure no related issues.

For frontend changes, follow the instructions mentioned:

# Pull the latest code (already done but repeating the check)
git pull origin main

# Build the frontend
cd frontend  # if the project structure has a frontend directory
npm install
npm run build

Step 6: Merge the Changes

If everything checks out, merge the changes into the main branch. You can do this directly via the GitHub interface if you have the permissions:

  1. Go to the Pull Requests section on GitHub.
  2. Find pull request #971.
  3. Review the changes in the "Files changed" tab.
  4. If satisfied, click "Merge pull request."

Alternatively, merge via command line if you have push access:

git checkout main
git pull origin main
git merge patch-2
git push origin main

Step 7: Confirm Merge and Close the Pull Request

Ensure the changes are now part of the main branch and close the pull request if it hasn't been auto-closed:

git fetch origin
git log  # Verify that the commit from patch-2 is in the history

Finally, go to the GitHub pull request #971 and confirm it has been merged. If not, close it manually, stating that the commit has been merged.

Step 8: Clean Up Local Branch

Optionally, you can clean up your local repository by deleting the temporary branch:

git branch -d patch-2


By following these steps, you ensure that the typo in is corrected and the process aligns with best practices, including reviewing, testing, and properly merging contributions.