Implement the necessary changes in the Semantic Kernel for Java API to allow the 01-SimpleChat sample to run as expected.
This is preliminary implementation and can be either a "hack" placed in the SK V1 Proposal repo itself or can be part of our work on the Semantic Kernel for Java - V1 branch, whichever makes the most sense.
Our intention is to get all of the samples (01..06) working, then reassess the state of the Semantic Kernel for Java API to build out a production-worthy v1.
Implement the necessary changes in the Semantic Kernel for Java API to allow the 01-SimpleChat sample to run as expected.
This is preliminary implementation and can be either a "hack" placed in the SK V1 Proposal repo itself or can be part of our work on the Semantic Kernel for Java - V1 branch, whichever makes the most sense.
Our intention is to get all of the samples (01..06) working, then reassess the state of the Semantic Kernel for Java API to build out a production-worthy v1.