microsoft / service-fabric

Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform for packaging, deploying, and managing stateless and stateful distributed applications and containers at large scale.
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Service Fabric Hosting Service stuck in starting #1113

Open bnaganandu opened 4 years ago

bnaganandu commented 4 years ago

Service Fabric Functionality : Switch To Cluster Mode/Remove Local Cluster/Reset Local Cluster/Stop Local Cluster , basic functionality not working and getting below error simply, **DevClusterSetup.log Windows PowerShell transcript start Start time: 20200608130020 Configuration Name: Machine: WL301920 (Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0) Host Application: PowerShell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command & 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Service Fabric\ClusterSetup\DevClusterSetup.ps1' -Auto -PathToClusterLogRoot C:\SFDevCluster\Log -SetupLogFileName DevClusterSetup.log Process ID: 2644 PSVersion: 5.1.17763.1007 PSEdition: Desktop PSCompatibleVersions: 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1.17763.1007 BuildVersion: 10.0.17763.1007 CLRVersion: 4.0.30319.42000 WSManStackVersion: 3.0 PSRemotingProtocolVersion: 2.3 SerializationVersion:

Transcript started, output file is C:\SFDevCluster\Log\DevClusterSetup.log Performing Stop-Service on: FabricHostSvc . This may take a few minutes... Create node configuration succeeded Performing Start-Service on: FabricHostSvc . This may take a few minutes... ****Stuck the process*** using : Windows10 and Service Fabric = 7.1.409.9590 and Service Fabric SDK=4.1.409.9590

maburlik commented 4 years ago

Looks like the process abruptly stops after these traces:

2020-6-8 09:09:23.251 Hosting.DockerProcessManager 13056 9924 Container provider service docker is in 1 state, starting now...
2020-6-8 09:09:26.621 Hosting.DockerProcessManager 13056 9924 Container provider service docker is in 1 state, starting now...
2020-6-8 09:09:30.020 Hosting.DockerProcessManager 13056 22908 Container provider service docker is in 1 state, starting now...
2020-6-8 09:09:33.614 Hosting.DockerProcessManager 13056 22908 Container provider service docker is in 1 state, starting now...
maburlik commented 4 years ago

@gkhanna79 this is failing somewhere within FabricActivationManager OpenProcessActivationManager.