microsoft / service-fabric

Service Fabric is a distributed systems platform for packaging, deploying, and managing stateless and stateful distributed applications and containers at large scale.
MIT License
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Service Fabric Open Source Roadmap #270

Open guibirow opened 5 years ago

guibirow commented 5 years ago

Hi All,

I am opening this thread hoping I can aggregate some useful information about the open source roadmap for Service Fabric.

SF team has been advertising the plans for open sourcing service fabric for a while, we've got access to the source code and now we can see how it works behind the scenes. But it is clear that many things are missing in this journey, just the access to the source code does not add much benefit to the platform.

My doubt is, when Service Fabric will really adopt the open source culture?

What mean is, bring the full development outside the Microsoft silos, create competence teams for different platform features, accept the public involvement to discuss feature proposal, accept community support and listen for users feedback.

Today the only thing we see is a new release coming and a dump of the source published here, without any clear visibility on what is going on, what to expect and without any confidence on the future of the platform.

Microsoft has many teams already doing open source, I think the knowledge shouldn't be an issue here, .Net Core is an amazing example, the people involved on Kubernetes are also doing a really nice job. I understand that many process might be tied to Microsoft internal tool, but is clearly visible that Open Source is not one of the priorities.

Analyzing the SF Mesh preview releases, it is painful to see the so many basic issues taking ages to be fixed, some of them planned to be released late next year.

I really love the platform, but is a shame see it being left behind and probably having the same destiny as other platforms becoming another Kubernetes wannabe implementation like Docker Swarm, Mesos, OpenShift and other dozens.

mikkelhegn commented 5 years ago

We are working hard to go the last mile in moving our development to the public repo. Early in the new year we will post an overview of the work remaining and the timeline to get us there. Rest assured we are committed to get this done.

guibirow commented 5 years ago


2018/08/28: SF Blog: Open source updates and more ahead

2018/03/14: Service Fabric is going open source

dazinator commented 4 years ago

Any updates?