microsoft / spot-ros-wrapper

ROS Wrapper for the Boston Dynamics Spot robot
MIT License
63 stars 13 forks source link

Missing URDF #16

Open AustinDeric opened 3 years ago

AustinDeric commented 3 years ago

The urdf is not present in the spot_urdf pacakge:

$ roslaunch spot_urdf rviz_display.launch 

No such file or directory: /home/<>/spot/spot_ws/install/spot_urdf/share/spot_urdf/urdf/spot.urdf [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/<>/spot/spot_ws/install/spot_urdf/share/spot_urdf/urdf/spot.urdf'
RLException: Invalid <param> tag: Cannot load command parameter [robot_description]: command [['/opt/ros/noetic/lib/xacro/xacro', '/home/<>/spot/spot_ws/install/spot_urdf/share/spot_urdf/urdf/spot.urdf']] returned with code [2]. 

Param xml is <param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/xacro $(arg model)"/>
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file