microsoft / spring-data-cosmosdb

Access data with Azure Cosmos DB
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Not able to connect with 2 Cosmos DB with single application #543

Closed bajrangprasad01 closed 3 years ago

bajrangprasad01 commented 4 years ago

I have tried to connect with 2 datasource of cosmos but not able to connect. I have tried all the solution given but not a single thing is working.

@EnableCosmosRepositories(basePackages = "com.bajrang.repositories.kooprepositories")
public class KoopCosmosConfig extends AbstractCosmosConfiguration {
private String uri;
private String key;
private String database;

public CosmosDBConfig koopCosmosDBConfig() {
    CosmosDBConfig cosmosDBConfig = CosmosDBConfig.builder(uri, key, database).build();
    return cosmosDBConfig;


@EnableCosmosRepositories(basePackages = "com.bajrang.repositories.galactusrepositories")
public class GalactusCosmosConfig extends AbstractCosmosConfiguration {
private String uri;
private String key;
private String database;

public CosmosDBConfig galactusCosmosDBConfig() {
    CosmosDBConfig cosmosDBConfig = CosmosDBConfig.builder(uri, key, database).build();
    return cosmosDBConfig;

This error is comes

Parameter 0 of method cosmosTemplate in required a single bean, but 2 were found:
- galactusCosmosDBConfig: defined by method 'galactusCosmosDBConfig' in class path resource [com/bajrang/configs/GalactusCosmosConfig.class]
- koopCosmosDBConfig: defined by method 'koopCosmosDBConfig' in class path resource [com/bajrang/configs/KoopCosmosConfig.class]


Consider marking one of the beans as @primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or using @qualifier to identify the bean that should be consumed

Process finished with exit code 1

I have tried with this configuration but not able to connect with two data source.

Please help me I urgently need to do this but I am not able to do. I need to connect with 2 databases but it is not happening.

kushagraThapar commented 4 years ago

@bajrangprasad01 - this is a feature request and is being tracked here :

kushagraThapar commented 3 years ago

@bajrangprasad01 - I am closing the issue here, since this is being now tracked here :

We have migrated the repo to here:

Future development will happen in the new repo.