microsoft / sql-server-language-extensions

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How does this relate to SQL CLR? #20

Closed MgSam closed 2 years ago

MgSam commented 2 years ago

I just read the blog post announcing this project. (I would have asked this there but for some reason all commenting is disabled on the SQL blog)

Is this project a replacement for SQL CLR (which as we know is still on .NET Framework)? Is the expectation to have eventually have feature parity?


charlesroddie commented 2 years ago

Tacking on a question here: is the C# language extension C#-specific or is "C#" used to mean .Net?

uc-msft commented 2 years ago

The C# language extension is not a direct replacement for SQLCLR. The extensibility framework & the language extensions were intended as a way to extend the surface area of SQL Server and provide an execution environment for runtimes closer to the database engine. Other motivation is also provide an open source framework that can be used to onboard new runtimes without engine changes. Yes, currently the surface area is restricted to the system stored procedure - sp_execute_external_script. We have talked about allowing creation of procedures or functions that contains external script. We will look at it based on feedback. Integration with user-defined types or aggregates are out of scope for extensibility at the moment since the scenarios are different.

At high-level, below are some of the differences between SQLCLR & Extensibility:

Feature SQLCLR Extensibility
Platform support Windows & Linux. Linux supports only SAFE assemblies Windows & Linux. Full parity in terms of functionality
Mode of execution In-proc Out-of-proc
Isolation CLR code executes within engine process. Instance administrator need to trust all assemblies/code. Runtime execution is outside of the engine process. Further isolation is provided using App Containers in Windows or Namespaces in Linux. External network communication is also disabled by default
Declarative syntax (T-SQL) User-defined types, user-defined aggregates, functions, procedures, triggers Only ad-hoc execution using sp_execute_external_script
DDL support CREATE ASSEMBLY to upload user code and define other objects (functions, procs, triggers UDTs, UDAggs) CREATE EXTERNAL LANGUAGE, EXTERNAL LIBRARY to manage extensions and libraries
Library support Achieved via assemblies Libraries for specific runtime can be used (Ex: R or Python packages, Java libraries)
Runtimes supported .NET Framework R, Python, Java, C# or Bring your own runtime (BYOR)
OSS framework N/A. Can be extended via user-defined .NET Assemblies Yes. Extension SDK provides authoring of new extensions or integration with runtimes without engine changes
QO integration Operator level integration for various syntax including parallelism Single external script operator to send/receive results and data from runtimes. This operator supports batch mode execution and parallelism
Resource Governance None. Few knobs outside of resource governor Provides EXTERNAL RESOURCE POOL object as a separate mechanism to govern resources consumed by the runtime/external scripts. Policies can be defined for external runtimes in addition to the SQL workload.
Permission model Instance level control with db scoped objects Instance level control with db scoped objects
Performance SQLCLR code will typically outperform Extensibility due to nature of execution. Ideal for batch oriented execution.
Monitoring capabilities sys.dm_clr* DMVs & limited SQLCLR specific perfmon counter sys.dm_external* DMVs, external resource pool DMVs, Windows Jobobject perfmon counters

Hope this gives you better idea of the differences and when SQLCLR / Extensibility can be used.

With respect to using the C# extension or SQLCLR, it depends on your scenarios and goals. I will give you few examples. If you have need to extend T-SQL surface area with your own aggregates or types then SQCLR is the way to go since type or aggregate cannot be defined using extensibility mechanism. If you want to leverage existing data science expertise in your organization or team then using R/Python integration with extensibility is desirable. Similarly, evaluate your performance goals and decide. Implementing regex function in C# and using SQLCLR will be much faster than using extensibility to invoke Python script that performs the same regex functionality.