microsoft / studentambassadors

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AI Bug Bash #131

Open Aromal-vk opened 1 year ago

Aromal-vk commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

Resources created in the Azure portal are not visible on The drop-down menu to select a resource while creating a new project is empty and does not show the custom vision resources that were already created from the azure portal.

To Reproduce

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Additional context

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🎓 Add a tag to this issue for your current education role: student, Student Ambassador or educator.

Student Ambassador

BethanyJep commented 1 year ago

Hello, were you able to access the resource on the site after a few minutes?

Aromal-vk commented 1 year ago

Hello, were you able to access the resource on the site after a few minutes?


DzmitryDzemyanovich commented 2 months ago

Hello, I had same problem today. In my case the issue was on the Custom Vision side. The lesson says I should chose East US region for the resource, but I noticed that the CV by default has another region (South Central US) if I try to create a resource via the settings (gear icon). So, when I used this region for the resource in Azure it appeared in the list on the "Create new project" modal window.

Kunle-xy commented 1 month ago

I am experiencing a similar problem. Has anyone been able to resolve it yet?

Kunle-xy commented 1 month ago

I just resolved it. Apparently, one has to wait a couple of minutes for the vision portal to retrieve resource groups.