microsoft / sudo

It's sudo, for Windows
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Add PowerShell Native CmdLet alias for sudo #93

Open soroshsabz opened 2 months ago

soroshsabz commented 2 months ago


Description of the new feature / enhancement

I think Integration, Consistency and Ecosystem driven is keys of Major Software Company for way of success

I suggest you add some native PowerShell CmdLet equal to sudo and follow sprit of windows, not follow sprint of Linux, in other word sudo define in linux world something like below

sudo (Super User DO) command in Linux is generally used as a prefix for some commands that only superusers are allowed to run.

But in windows, we do not have Super User, we have Administrator, So I think we have to make some Windows Native command for doing similar to sudo in native way

for example PowerShell command can something like Escalate-Privilege or Run-AsAdministrator

Scenario when this would be used?

in all case sudo used, and in all PowerShell native script and SysAdmins that follows windows way

Supporting information

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AvogatoWizardWhisker commented 2 months ago

In my opinion, Sudo for Windows marks a significant advancement for users who often need elevated privileges to execute commands. Unlike Escalate-Privilege or Run-AsAdministrator, sudo saves you from long keystrokes and it's also more convenient for Linux/Unix users as they're already familiar with sudo commands. Right now, Sudo for Windows is still under development and there is other stuff that needs improvement. But honestly, sudo is way more convenient.

soroshsabz commented 2 months ago

I think consistency is very important for powerful eco-system, so it is important to Microsoft follow PowerShell spirit in Windows CLI, when PowerShell is core of shell for Windows - Microsoft platforms