amyhuan@DESKTOP-GJKA3E5:~/symphony$ which az
/mnt/c/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Azure/CLI2/wbin/az
will result in an error assigning role permissions to the keyvault:
'. If the assignee is an appId, make sure the corresponding service principal is created with 'az ad sp create --id 79ed83'.-5feb-447c-8d01-1ff9c49965e3
Since secrets will not be saved to the keyvault, as a result the service principals will not be created successfully.
The fix is to instead use the Linux installation of Az CLI on WSL
Using the Windows version of Az CLI from WSL
will result in an error assigning role permissions to the keyvault:
'. If the assignee is an appId, make sure the corresponding service principal is created with 'az ad sp create --id 79ed83'.-5feb-447c-8d01-1ff9c49965e3
Since secrets will not be saved to the keyvault, as a result the service principals will not be created successfully.The fix is to instead use the Linux installation of Az CLI on WSL