microsoft / team-explorer-everywhere

Team Explorer Everywhere Plugin for Eclipse
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TFSEclipsePlugin-UpdateSiteArchive-14.137.0 does this support java 11 in TIBCO BW6.8 #352

Open govinduae3 opened 2 years ago

govinduae3 commented 2 years ago

hi Team,

Can you please update if this TFSEclipsePlugin-UpdateSiteArchive-14.137.0 plug in support java11?

We are using TIBCO BW6.8 built in eclipse platform using java11.

We are facing issue using this plugin.

eric-milles commented 1 year ago

@govinduae3 What is the question exactly? 14.137.0 runs on Java 6 through at least Java 15 with no issues.