Open o-sdn-o opened 2 years ago
Current main
Any win32 console app with mouse support, e.g. Far Manager
Single-clicking intensively in different places in any console application with mouse support running in the Windows Terminal.
Code for repro
#include <iostream> #include "windows.h" int main() { auto reply = INPUT_RECORD{}; auto count = DWORD{}; auto input = ::GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); ::SetConsoleMode(input, ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS | ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT); while (::ReadConsoleInputW(input, &reply, 1, &count) && count) { if (reply.EventType == MOUSE_EVENT && reply.Event.MouseEvent.dwEventFlags & DOUBLE_CLICK) { std::cout << "DOUBLE_CLICK\n"; } else if (reply.EventType == KEY_EVENT && reply.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == 27) { break; } } }
No spurious double clicks.
Spurious double clicks are triggered randomly
Apparently this is due to the SGR mouse tracking protocol misinterpretation. Mouse drag is interpreted as a single click and its last position is remembered as with a normal click, and when the button is released, a false double click occurs:
Everything works as expected If dragging is silently ignored (see possible fix below).
Possible fix: terminal\src\terminal\parser\InputStateMachineEngine.cpp:873:
const auto buttonID = (sgrEncoding & 0x3) | ((sgrEncoding & 0xC0) >> 4) | ((sgrEncoding & 0x20) >> 5) * 3;
Good catch, thanks for the investigation!
Windows Terminal version
Current main
Windows build number
Other Software
Any win32 console app with mouse support, e.g. Far Manager
Steps to reproduce
Single-clicking intensively in different places in any console application with mouse support running in the Windows Terminal.
Code for repro
Expected Behavior
No spurious double clicks.
Actual Behavior
Spurious double clicks are triggered randomly
Apparently this is due to the SGR mouse tracking protocol misinterpretation. Mouse drag is interpreted as a single click and its last position is remembered as with a normal click, and when the button is released, a false double click occurs:
Everything works as expected If dragging is silently ignored (see possible fix below).
Possible fix: terminal\src\terminal\parser\InputStateMachineEngine.cpp:873: