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Allow actions in the new tab dropdown #17281

Open PankajBhojwani opened 2 weeks ago

PankajBhojwani commented 2 weeks ago

Summary of the Pull Request

Targets #17215

Allows the user to define entries in the new tab menu that execute actions, based on their action Id

Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

For example, the newTabMenu in the json can now contain:

    "type": "action",
    "actionId": "mySendInputAction"

Validation Steps Performed


PR Checklist

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

@check-spelling-bot Report

:red_circle: Please review

See the :open_file_folder: files view, the :scroll:action log, or :memo: job summary for details.

Unrecognized words (1)


Previously acknowledged words that are now absent CRLFs Redir unregistering wcsicmp 🫥
To accept these unrecognized words as correct and remove the previously acknowledged and now absent words, you could run the following commands ... in a clone of the []( repository on the `dev/pabhoj/action_new_tab_menu` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?]( ``` sh curl -s -S -L '' | perl - '' ```
Available :books: dictionaries could cover words (expected and unrecognized) not in the :blue_book: dictionary This includes both **expected items** (2207) from .github/actions/spelling/expect/04cdb9b77d6827c0202f51acd4205b017015bfff.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/alphabet.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/expect.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/web.txt and **unrecognized words** (1) Dictionary | Entries | Covers | Uniquely -|-|-|- [cspell:cpp/src/lang-jargon.txt](|11|1|1| [cspell:swift/src/swift.txt](|53|1|1| [cspell:gaming-terms/dict/gaming-terms.txt](|59|1|1| [cspell:monkeyc/src/monkeyc_keywords.txt](|123|1|1| [cspell:cryptocurrencies/cryptocurrencies.txt](|125|1|1| Consider adding them (in `.github/workflows/spelling2.yml`) for `uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@v0.0.22` in its `with`: ``` yml with: extra_dictionaries: cspell:cpp/src/lang-jargon.txt cspell:swift/src/swift.txt cspell:gaming-terms/dict/gaming-terms.txt cspell:monkeyc/src/monkeyc_keywords.txt cspell:cryptocurrencies/cryptocurrencies.txt ``` To stop checking additional dictionaries, add (in `.github/workflows/spelling2.yml`) for `uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@v0.0.22` in its `with`: ``` yml check_extra_dictionaries: '' ```
Errors (1) See the [:open_file_folder: files]( view, the [:scroll:action log](, or [:memo: job summary]( for details. [:x: Errors]( | Count -|- [:x: ignored-expect-variant]( | 3 See [:x: Event descriptions]( for more information.
:pencil2: Contributor please read this By default the command suggestion will generate a file named based on your commit. That's generally ok as long as you add the file to your commit. Someone can reorganize it later. If the listed items are: * ... **misspelled**, then please *correct* them instead of using the command. * ... *names*, please add them to `.github/actions/spelling/allow/names.txt`. * ... APIs, you can add them to a file in `.github/actions/spelling/allow/`. * ... just things you're using, please add them to an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spelling/expect/`. * ... tokens you only need in one place and shouldn't *generally be used*, you can add an item in an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spelling/patterns/`. See the `` in each directory for more information. :microscope: You can test your commits **without** *appending* to a PR by creating a new branch with that extra change and pushing it to your fork. The [check-spelling]( action will run in response to your **push** -- it doesn't require an open pull request. By using such a branch, you can limit the number of typos your peers see you make. :wink:
If the flagged items are :exploding_head: false positives If items relate to a ... * binary file (or some other file you wouldn't want to check at all). Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file matching the containing file. File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your files. `^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude []( ../tree/HEAD/ (on whichever branch you're using). * well-formed pattern. If you can write a [pattern]( ) that would match it, try adding it to the `patterns.txt` file. Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your lines. Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.
github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

@check-spelling-bot Report

:red_circle: Please review

See the :open_file_folder: files view, the :scroll:action log, or :memo: job summary for details.

Unrecognized words (1)


Previously acknowledged words that are now absent CRLFs Redir unregistering wcsicmp 🫥
To accept these unrecognized words as correct and remove the previously acknowledged and now absent words, you could run the following commands ... in a clone of the []( repository on the `dev/pabhoj/action_new_tab_menu` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?]( ``` sh curl -s -S -L '' | perl - '' ```
Available :books: dictionaries could cover words (expected and unrecognized) not in the :blue_book: dictionary This includes both **expected items** (2207) from .github/actions/spelling/expect/04cdb9b77d6827c0202f51acd4205b017015bfff.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/alphabet.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/expect.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/web.txt and **unrecognized words** (1) Dictionary | Entries | Covers | Uniquely -|-|-|- [cspell:cpp/src/lang-jargon.txt](|11|1|1| [cspell:swift/src/swift.txt](|53|1|1| [cspell:gaming-terms/dict/gaming-terms.txt](|59|1|1| [cspell:monkeyc/src/monkeyc_keywords.txt](|123|1|1| [cspell:cryptocurrencies/cryptocurrencies.txt](|125|1|1| Consider adding them (in `.github/workflows/spelling2.yml`) for `uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@v0.0.22` in its `with`: ``` yml with: extra_dictionaries: cspell:cpp/src/lang-jargon.txt cspell:swift/src/swift.txt cspell:gaming-terms/dict/gaming-terms.txt cspell:monkeyc/src/monkeyc_keywords.txt cspell:cryptocurrencies/cryptocurrencies.txt ``` To stop checking additional dictionaries, add (in `.github/workflows/spelling2.yml`) for `uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@v0.0.22` in its `with`: ``` yml check_extra_dictionaries: '' ```
Errors (1) See the [:open_file_folder: files]( view, the [:scroll:action log](, or [:memo: job summary]( for details. [:x: Errors]( | Count -|- [:x: ignored-expect-variant]( | 3 See [:x: Event descriptions]( for more information.
:pencil2: Contributor please read this By default the command suggestion will generate a file named based on your commit. That's generally ok as long as you add the file to your commit. Someone can reorganize it later. If the listed items are: * ... **misspelled**, then please *correct* them instead of using the command. * ... *names*, please add them to `.github/actions/spelling/allow/names.txt`. * ... APIs, you can add them to a file in `.github/actions/spelling/allow/`. * ... just things you're using, please add them to an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spelling/expect/`. * ... tokens you only need in one place and shouldn't *generally be used*, you can add an item in an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spelling/patterns/`. See the `` in each directory for more information. :microscope: You can test your commits **without** *appending* to a PR by creating a new branch with that extra change and pushing it to your fork. The [check-spelling]( action will run in response to your **push** -- it doesn't require an open pull request. By using such a branch, you can limit the number of typos your peers see you make. :wink:
If the flagged items are :exploding_head: false positives If items relate to a ... * binary file (or some other file you wouldn't want to check at all). Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file matching the containing file. File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your files. `^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude []( ../tree/HEAD/ (on whichever branch you're using). * well-formed pattern. If you can write a [pattern]( ) that would match it, try adding it to the `patterns.txt` file. Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your lines. Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.
DHowett commented 2 weeks ago


zadjii-msft commented 2 weeks ago


zadjii-msft commented 4 days ago

may want to add a

closes #3759 closes #9362

github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

@check-spelling-bot Report

:red_circle: Please review

See the :open_file_folder: files view, the :scroll:action log, or :memo: job summary for details.

Unrecognized words (1)


Previously acknowledged words that are now absent CRLFs Redir unregistering wcsicmp 🫥
To accept these unrecognized words as correct and remove the previously acknowledged and now absent words, you could run the following commands ... in a clone of the []( repository on the `dev/pabhoj/action_new_tab_menu` branch ([:information_source: how do I use this?]( ``` sh curl -s -S -L '' | perl - '' ```
Available :books: dictionaries could cover words (expected and unrecognized) not in the :blue_book: dictionary This includes both **expected items** (2207) from .github/actions/spelling/expect/04cdb9b77d6827c0202f51acd4205b017015bfff.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/alphabet.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/expect.txt .github/actions/spelling/expect/web.txt and **unrecognized words** (1) Dictionary | Entries | Covers | Uniquely -|-|-|- [cspell:cpp/src/lang-jargon.txt](|11|1|1| [cspell:swift/src/swift.txt](|53|1|1| [cspell:gaming-terms/dict/gaming-terms.txt](|59|1|1| [cspell:monkeyc/src/monkeyc_keywords.txt](|123|1|1| [cspell:cryptocurrencies/cryptocurrencies.txt](|125|1|1| Consider adding them (in `.github/workflows/spelling2.yml`) for `uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@v0.0.22` in its `with`: ``` yml with: extra_dictionaries: cspell:cpp/src/lang-jargon.txt cspell:swift/src/swift.txt cspell:gaming-terms/dict/gaming-terms.txt cspell:monkeyc/src/monkeyc_keywords.txt cspell:cryptocurrencies/cryptocurrencies.txt ``` To stop checking additional dictionaries, add (in `.github/workflows/spelling2.yml`) for `uses: check-spelling/check-spelling@v0.0.22` in its `with`: ``` yml check_extra_dictionaries: '' ```
Errors (1) See the [:open_file_folder: files]( view, the [:scroll:action log](, or [:memo: job summary]( for details. [:x: Errors]( | Count -|- [:x: ignored-expect-variant]( | 3 See [:x: Event descriptions]( for more information.
:pencil2: Contributor please read this By default the command suggestion will generate a file named based on your commit. That's generally ok as long as you add the file to your commit. Someone can reorganize it later. If the listed items are: * ... **misspelled**, then please *correct* them instead of using the command. * ... *names*, please add them to `.github/actions/spelling/allow/names.txt`. * ... APIs, you can add them to a file in `.github/actions/spelling/allow/`. * ... just things you're using, please add them to an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spelling/expect/`. * ... tokens you only need in one place and shouldn't *generally be used*, you can add an item in an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spelling/patterns/`. See the `` in each directory for more information. :microscope: You can test your commits **without** *appending* to a PR by creating a new branch with that extra change and pushing it to your fork. The [check-spelling]( action will run in response to your **push** -- it doesn't require an open pull request. By using such a branch, you can limit the number of typos your peers see you make. :wink:
If the flagged items are :exploding_head: false positives If items relate to a ... * binary file (or some other file you wouldn't want to check at all). Please add a file path to the `excludes.txt` file matching the containing file. File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your files. `^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude []( ../tree/HEAD/ (on whichever branch you're using). * well-formed pattern. If you can write a [pattern]( ) that would match it, try adding it to the `patterns.txt` file. Patterns are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test]( yours before committing to verify it will match your lines. Note that patterns can't match multiline strings.