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Make spacing more consistent across Settings UI #17292

Open thernstig opened 2 weeks ago

thernstig commented 2 weeks ago

Description of the new feature/enhancement

This is a simple UX (readbility) enhancement. In the Settings UI, it would be nice with a bit of spacing between the headline and the description of the current page of settings. The red arrows below showcase where I believe more padding/margins would make it more discoverable and readable:


Notice the good chunk of spacing before the "Additional settings" and its preceding section, and how nice that looks and is easy to spot.

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zadjii-msft commented 3 days ago


thernstig commented 3 days ago

@zadjii-msft I assume you wanted to amend to this issue that alignment is also not on point?

lhecker commented 3 days ago

Yes, since your finding is effectively also about alignment.