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Cursor disappears when AtlasEngine and Software Rendering are used together #17472

Open BoscoDomingo opened 6 days ago

BoscoDomingo commented 6 days ago

Windows Terminal version


Windows build number

Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0

Other Software

No response

Steps to reproduce

Open a Terminal with AtlasEngine and Software Redering active together

Expected Behavior

For the cursor to be shown

Actual Behavior

Cursor is invisible

lhecker commented 6 days ago

"Works on my machine":


Is there anything else you can think of that may have broken it?

BoscoDomingo commented 5 days ago

"Works on my machine":


Is there anything else you can think of that may have broken it?

@lhecker No idea at all. I have just tried on my work laptop with the exact same settings (I save the JSON in a repo) and it works as expected. My personal desktop doesn't

PankajBhojwani commented 4 days ago

@BoscoDomingo Can you repro this in Windows Terminal Canary? We suspect it might have been fixed there but just want to confirm!

BoscoDomingo commented 4 days ago

@BoscoDomingo Can you repro this in Windows Terminal Canary? We suspect it might have been fixed there but just want to confirm!

@PankajBhojwani Copied my settings over and issue still happens. The moment I reverse the copying over, cursor is back. Here they are so you can take a look:

Settings ```json "profiles": { "defaults": { "antialiasingMode": "cleartype", "bellStyle": [ "audible", "taskbar" ], "colorScheme": "UltraViolent", "cursorShape": "bar", "elevate": true, "experimental.retroTerminalEffect": false, "font": { "cellHeight": "1.3", "face": "JetBrainsMono NF", "size": 10.0 }, "intenseTextStyle": "all", "opacity": 82, "useAcrylic": true, "useAtlasEngine": true }, "list": [ { "colorScheme": "Tango Dark", "guid": "{0caa0dad-35be-5f56-a8ff-afceeeaa6101}", "hidden": false, "name": "Command Prompt", "startingDirectory": null }, { "bellStyle": [ "audible", "taskbar" ], "colorScheme": "PaulMillr", "guid": "{61c54bbd-c2c6-5271-96e7-009a87ff44bf}", "hidden": true, "name": "PowerShell 5", "startingDirectory": "%USERPROFILE%" }, { "colorScheme": "One Half Dark", "font": { "face": "Consolasligaturizedv2 NF" }, "guid": "{574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336}", "hidden": false, "name": "PowerShell 7", "source": "Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore" }, { "colorScheme": { 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Edit: Narrowing it down, it seems like the opacity setting is playing a role here. It's late here so I can't test any more, but I'll leave it up to you ;)