The Terraform registry index, includes a "-", example power-platform_billing_policy, whilst the actual resource is called powerplatform_billing_policy, not the exact "-" between power and platform.
Definition of Done
[X] Resolve inconsistency.
Do you plan to raise a PR to address this issue? NO
See the contributing guide for more information about what's expected for contributions.
Thanks for pointing out. This issue is on Hashicrop side and how they generate docs on registry website. We are working with them to get that fixed without the need to republish the provider.
The Terraform registry index, includes a "-", example power-platform_billing_policy, whilst the actual resource is called powerplatform_billing_policy, not the exact "-" between power and platform.
Definition of Done
Do you plan to raise a PR to address this issue? NO
See the contributing guide for more information about what's expected for contributions.