microsoft / transductive-vos.pytorch

a transductive approach for video object segmentation
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What does the "centroids" mean? #12

Open 9p15p opened 4 years ago

9p15p commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your excellent work!

I want to know what the 'annotation_centroids.npy' and the centroids means. To be specific,I can't find something in paper related to torch.argmin(torch.sqrt(torch.sum((img.unsqueeze(1) - centroids) ** 2, 2)), 1) in function 'rgb2class'.

Best wishes.

Here is my question in Chinese,which is consistent with the above:

'centroids'这个变量以及在dataset中的 'annotation_centroids.npy' 发挥了什么作用呢,我在论文中没有看到对应的信息。 关于'rgb2class'函数中的 torch.argmin(torch.sqrt(torch.sum((img.unsqueeze(1) - centroids) ** 2, 2)), 1) 具体含义麻烦您能解释一下吗


jili-li commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thank you for your excellent work!

I want to know what the 'annotation_centroids.npy' and the centroids means. To be specific,I can't find something in paper related to torch.argmin(torch.sqrt(torch.sum((img.unsqueeze(1) - centroids) ** 2, 2)), 1) in function 'rgb2class'.

Best wishes.

Here is my question in Chinese,which is consistent with the above:

'centroids'这个变量以及在dataset中的 'annotation_centroids.npy' 发挥了什么作用呢,我在论文中没有看到对应的信息。 关于'rgb2class'函数中的 torch.argmin(torch.sqrt(torch.sum((img.unsqueeze(1) - centroids) ** 2, 2)), 1) 具体含义麻烦您能解释一下吗


annotation is represented by rgb, in order to convert to label, we need a mapping tuple (r, g, b) -> interger (instance id), due to resize, annotation rgb value not exactly in the mapping's domain of definition, so take the nearest, this is why called centroids

jili-li commented 4 years ago

and i have another question, why do you use 191 instead of 192? Thank you!

9p15p commented 4 years ago

and i have another question, why do you use 191 instead of 192? Thank you!

Thank you for your reply.^_^ and I don't know what your question about '191' or '192' means. Do I use it somewhere?

jili-li commented 4 years ago

and i have another question, why do you use 191 instead of 192? Thank you!

Thank you for your reply.^_^ and I don't know what your question about '191' or '192' means. Do I use it somewhere?

sorry, I mean in annotation_centroids.npy they use the value 191, but in palette it's 192

9p15p commented 4 years ago

and i have another question, why do you use 191 instead of 192? Thank you!

Thank you for your reply.^_^ and I don't know what your question about '191' or '192' means. Do I use it somewhere?

sorry, I mean in annotation_centroids.npy they use the value 191, but in palette it's 192

Oh, I find this problem, too. Thank you.