microsoft / tslib

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Add Node-specific export condition for ESM entrypoint that re-exports CJS #201

Closed andrewbranch closed 1 year ago

andrewbranch commented 1 year ago

Another stab at #171 / #143. Ensures non-Node module resolvers that use import do not see CommonJS, while still ensuring Node only ever sees one copy of the helpers.

andrewbranch commented 1 year ago

@weswigham can you take a look at this one too?

andrewbranch commented 1 year ago

I also want to know this. I (indirectly) asked @justinfagnani at

Andarist commented 1 year ago

Though.... what currently resolves export maps without the node condition (but with the import condition) anyway?

Bundler configurations targeting browsers could do that. For example, Rollup doesn't include node by default:

It also doesn't even include browser by default - that's an opt-in:

andrewbranch commented 1 year ago

Oh yeah, sure, but bundlers are all capable of running into CJS files too. I wanted to know who’s doing this and doesn’t support CJS modules at all.

SimenB commented 1 year ago

FWIW, this has caused a regression in Jest

From my understanding, when given import and browser (i.e. no node) condition, you now return a js file in root, where the package.json does not contain type: module, which causes Jest to load the file as CJS.

FWIW, Jest follows Node:

Within a package, the package.json "type" field defines how Node.js should interpret .js files. If a package.json file does not have a "type" field, .js files are treated as CommonJS.

Andarist commented 1 year ago

where the package.json does not contain type: module, which causes Jest to load the file as CJS.

This sounds like a bug in Jest. type: module is correctly set in the nearest package.json of that .js file:

Perhaps you are only looking into the root package.json file in your resolver?

SimenB commented 1 year ago

It resolves to tslib.es6.js in root, not within modules directory. Which is the correct thing to do when we don't provide the node condition.

What might be wrong is applying node semantics to .js when we don't provide the node condition. But Jest has been doing that ever since exports support was added months and months ago. And I'm not sure how else to know how to treat a .js file.

Note that tslib@2.5.0 works correctly as Jest indeed looks at modules/package.json.

Andarist commented 1 year ago

It resolves to tslib.es6.js in root, not within modules directory. Which is the correct thing to do when we don't provide the node condition.

Ah, sorry - I missed that this was about requests without the node condition.

What might be wrong is applying node semantics to .js when we don't provide the node condition

It's kinda hard to tell for me on the spot - since that's usually bundlers' territory and they tend to do different interop things. @andrewbranch prepared a comprehensive table that showcases a lot of things (here) but I have a hard time unwrapping this quickly to find the positions related to your specific situation.

What is easy to test is the node's behavior and this one just throws a SyntaxError when trying to import a CJS file like that. My own intuition is that this should be OK (preferred). OTOH, this has been structured like this for a reason. Maybe the option here would be to:

This seems quite reasonable to me as that would only alter this .js's "type" and not much else so it shouldn't quite have a negative effect on much.

It's probably best to wait on Andrew's opinion though.

andrewbranch commented 1 year ago

On principle, I agree it’s sketchy at best to ship a .js file with ESM syntax and no "type": "module". But I’m pretty sure someone else had a reason that some other tool would break if we renamed tslib.es6.js to tslib.es6.mjs or even moved it into a directory. I think there was concern that people are mapping to specific file locations within the package. There’s simply no way to fix everything without breaking someone’s edge case.

Can Jest handle CJS format files at all? If so, why is it setting the browser condition?

andrewbranch commented 1 year ago

Thinking about duplicating tslib.es6.js to tslib.es6.mjs and only exposing the latter through the package.json exports

SimenB commented 1 year ago

Can Jest handle CJS format files at all?

Yes, that's the default - ESM is opt in (since Node's vm APIs are flagged).

If so, why is it setting the browser condition?

It's a browser-like environment (jsdom). So global APIs are the ones found in a browser, but the module system is separate from that.

josundt commented 1 year ago

tslib's package.json exports are now ambigous.

a. All Files under the import conditional export object imply that they are esm modules thorugh the fact that they are listed under import. b. Still the file ./tslib.es6.js imply that it is a commonjs module by the fact that the folder's package.json file has no type property which implies "commonjs" when the file does not have a .mjs file extension.

tslib's exports should ideally not have this ambiguity. When it is ambiguous like this; which of the two facts should take precedence?

I notice that with webpack's enhanced-resolve which has no issues with tslib@2.5.2, a. seemingly takes precedence over b.. With jest's resolver, which has issues with tslib@2.5.2, b. takes precedence over a..

Are you planning to do anything about the exports' ambiguity in tslib?

Andarist commented 1 year ago

When it is ambiguous like this; which of the two facts should take precedence?

IIUC, the import condition doesn't exactly imply that the resolved file will be interpreted as a module. This is just a condition used for all import "requests" but has nothing to say about the format of the resolved file. But ofc, it usually only makes sense to have parity between those 2 things.

josundt commented 1 year ago

@Andarist Then I guess the exports of tslib are not ambigous but rather incorrect?

Andarist commented 1 year ago

To quote @andrewbranch:

On principle, I agree it’s sketchy at best to ship a .js file with ESM syntax and no "type": "module"

If we assume that the node's behavior is the correct one here that guides everything else... then ye, I'd classify this as incorrect. Different tools implement things slightly differently though so at times it's super hard to determine how to solve things to satisfy everybody though. I think that "default" should still use node's semantics - even if the node condition itself stays unmatched for a given request. It feels that's the only way to actually ensure compatibility with the ecosystem. If some tool couldn't deal with a specific situation that was compatible with node's semantics given a particular exports shape then I'd prefer to raise that issue with that tool and try to fix it there.

SimenB commented 1 year ago

I notice that with webpack's enhanced-resolve which has no issues with tslib@2.5.2, a. seemingly takes precedence over b.. With jest's resolver, which has issues with tslib@2.5.2, b. takes precedence over a..

enhanced-resolve behaves the same way as Jest does when provided the conditions.

// file.js
const path = require('node:path');
const enhancedResolve = require('enhanced-resolve');

const resolver = enhancedResolve.create({
  // this is the important bit
  conditionNames: ['browser', 'import'],


const cwd = process.cwd();

resolver(cwd, 'tslib', (err, res) => {
  if (err) {
    console.error('got an error', err);
  } else {
    console.log(path.relative(cwd, res));
$ node file.js

I think that "default" should still use node's semantics - even if the node condition itself stays unmatched for a given request.

FWIW, I agree with this. The exports spec comes from Node, so when there's ambiguity, I think their semantics are reasonable to follow. But I know not everyone agrees with this. 😅

andrewbranch commented 1 year ago

I was hoping to get feedback on this

Thinking about duplicating tslib.es6.js to tslib.es6.mjs and only exposing the latter through the package.json exports

SimenB commented 1 year ago

That should work fine, and no drawbacks as far as I know

andrewbranch commented 1 year ago

The irony of exporting __importStar and __importDefault from an ES module... 🙃