microsoft / tutel

Tutel MoE: An Optimized Mixture-of-Experts Implementation
MIT License
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The output of nccl_all_to_all_scatter_async may be incomplete when num_local_experts>1. #172

Closed Fragile-azalea closed 2 years ago

Fragile-azalea commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug The output of nccl_all_to_all_scatter_async may be incomplete.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

on host0(master): SKIP_EXPERT=1 python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --nnodes=2 --node_rank=0 --master_addr=host0 -m tutel.examples.helloworld --batch_size=4 --num_tokens=1 --model_dim=2 --hidden_size=2 --num_steps=1 --a2a_ffn_overlap_degree=1 on host1: SKIP_EXPERT=1 python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --nnodes=2 --node_rank=1 --master_addr=host0 -m tutel.examples.helloworld --batch_size=4 --num_tokens=1 --model_dim=2 --hidden_size=2 --num_steps=1 --a2a_ffn_overlap_degree=1

Log The value of tensor([[[ 1.5410, -0.2934], [-1.0845, -1.3986]], [[ 1.5410, -0.2934], [ 0.4033, 0.8380]], [[-2.1788, 0.5684], [-1.0845, -1.3986]], [[ 0.4033, 0.8380], [-2.1788, 0.5684]]], device='cuda:0')

The value of tensor([[[ 1.5410, -0.2934], [-1.0845, -1.3986]], [[ 1.5410, -0.2934], [ 0.4033, 0.8380]], [[-2.1788, 0.5684], [-1.0845, -1.3986]], [[ 0.4033, 0.8380], [-2.1788, 0.5684]]], device='cuda:0')

This is the result I expect. However, when on host0(master): SKIP_EXPERT=1 python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --nnodes=2 --node_rank=0 --master_addr=host0 -m tutel.examples.helloworld --batch_size=4 --num_tokens=1 --model_dim=2 --hidden_size=2 --num_steps=1 --a2a_ffn_overlap_degree=2 on host1: SKIP_EXPERT=1 python3 -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --nnodes=2 --node_rank=1 --master_addr=host0 -m tutel.examples.helloworld --batch_size=4 --num_tokens=1 --model_dim=2 --hidden_size=2 --num_steps=1 --a2a_ffn_overlap_degree=2

The value of tensor([[[ 1.5410, -0.2934], [-1.0845, -1.3986]], [[ 1.5410, -0.2934], [ 0.4033, 0.8380]], [[-2.1788, 0.5684], [-1.0845, -1.3986]], [[ 0.4033, 0.8380], [-2.1788, 0.5684]]], device='cuda:0')

The value of tensor([[[ 0.0000, 0.0000], [ 0.0000, 0.0000]], [[ 1.5410, -0.2934], [ 0.4033, 0.8380]], [[ 0.0000, 0.0000], [ 0.0000, 0.0000]], [[ 0.4033, 0.8380], [-2.1788, 0.5684]]], device='cuda:0')

It seems incomplete.

The possible code is:

It looks like the NCCL group keeps only the last send-recv pair in each peer. There is no same problem when num_local_experts=1.

ghostplant commented 2 years ago


yzygitzh commented 2 years ago

Hi @Fragile-azalea , thanks for reporting this issue!

Currently I don't have 2 nodes, so I tried a 2-GPU-1-node run instead of 1-GPU-2-node run, and I didn't see the missing value phenomenon. Is the issue reproducible with 2-GPU-1-node setting?

BTW, what was your PyTorch version?

Fragile-azalea commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your quick response. I don't have a node with two GPUs. Here is information about my platform: Platform

Fragile-azalea commented 2 years ago

To verify my idea, I perform an extra experiment on replace into

  for (int r=0; r<nRanks; r++) {
    NCCLCHECK(ncclSend(((char*)sendbuff)+r*rankOffset, count / 2, type, r, comm, stream));
    NCCLCHECK(ncclRecv(((char*)recvbuff)+r*rankOffset, count / 2, type, r, comm, stream));
  for (int r=0; r<nRanks; r++) {
    NCCLCHECK(ncclSend(((char*)sendbuff)+r*rankOffset + rankOffset / 2, count / 2, type, r, comm, stream));
    NCCLCHECK(ncclRecv(((char*)recvbuff)+r*rankOffset + rankOffset / 2, count / 2, type, r, comm, stream));

Run code with:

$ mpirun --hostfile ./servers  ./build/alltoall_perf -b 128M -e 128M -f 2 -g 1

The output:

# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 134217728 maxBytes 134217728 step: 2(factor) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 validation: 1
# Using devices
#   Rank  0 Pid 1366276 on     host12 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
#   Rank  1 Pid 3620583 on     host13 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
#                                                       out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop     time   algbw   busbw  error     time   algbw   busbw  error
#        (B)    (elements)                       (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
   134217728      16777216     float           678590    0.20    0.10  0e+00   678399    0.20    0.10  0e+00
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0.0989085

replace into

  for (int r=0; r<nRanks; r++) {
    NCCLCHECK(ncclSend(((char*)sendbuff)+r*rankOffset, count / 2, type, r, comm, stream));
    NCCLCHECK(ncclRecv(((char*)recvbuff)+r*rankOffset, count / 2, type, r, comm, stream));
    NCCLCHECK(ncclSend(((char*)sendbuff)+r*rankOffset + rankOffset / 2, count / 2, type, r, comm, stream));
    NCCLCHECK(ncclRecv(((char*)recvbuff)+r*rankOffset + rankOffset / 2, count / 2, type, r, comm, stream));

Run code with:

$ mpirun --hostfile ./servers  ./build/alltoall_perf -b 128M -e 128M -f 2 -g 1

The output:

# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 134217728 maxBytes 134217728 step: 2(factor) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 validation: 1
# Using devices
#   Rank  0 Pid 1366729 on     host12 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
#   Rank  1 Pid 3621476 on     host13 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
#                                                       out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop     time   algbw   busbw  error     time   algbw   busbw  error
#        (B)    (elements)                       (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
   134217728      16777216     float           337519    0.40    0.20  1e+00   337973    0.40    0.20  1e+00
# Out of bounds values : 2 FAILED
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0.198696
yzygitzh commented 2 years ago

I tried your modification on NCCL 2.7.8 and it caused nccl-tests to crash, but it works well on NCCL 2.10.3. Could you please try upgrade NCCL to 2.10.3?

Fragile-azalea commented 2 years ago

I recompile the nccl-test by the following command: make MPI=1 MPI_HOME=/home/xxx/local/openmpi-4.0.1 NCCL_HOME=/xxx/nccl_2.10.3-1+cuda10.2_x86_64 Here are my logs. They seems no change.

# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 134217728 maxBytes 134217728 step: 2(factor) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 validation: 1
# Using devices
#   Rank  0 Pid 1371961 on     host12 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
#   Rank  1 Pid 3905986 on     host13 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
#                                                       out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop     time   algbw   busbw  error     time   algbw   busbw  error
#        (B)    (elements)                       (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
   134217728      16777216     float           677072    0.20    0.10  0e+00   678719    0.20    0.10  0e+00
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0.098996
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 134217728 maxBytes 134217728 step: 2(factor) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 validation: 1
# Using devices
#   Rank  0 Pid 1371509 on     host12 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
#   Rank  1 Pid 3904849 on     host13 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
#                                                       out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop     time   algbw   busbw  error     time   algbw   busbw  error
#        (B)    (elements)                       (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
   134217728      16777216     float           338925    0.40    0.20  1e+00   339634    0.40    0.20  1e+00
# Out of bounds values : 2 FAILED
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0.197799
Primary job  terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing
the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

  Process name: [[6242,1],1]
  Exit code:    1
yzygitzh commented 2 years ago

Could you please add NCCL_DEBUG=VERSION when running nccl-tests to check the actual NCCL version you're using? Specifying NCCL_HOME during compile may not change the library used during runtime.

BTW, it's strange that both out-of-place and in-place results show no error. NCCL all-to-all should not support in-place operation.

yzygitzh commented 2 years ago

Comparison from my side FYI:

Original nccl-tests:

[1,0]<stdout>:#                                                     out-of-place                       in-place
[1,0]<stdout>:#       size         count    type   redop     time   algbw   busbw  error     time   algbw   busbw  error
[1,0]<stdout>:#        (B)    (elements)                     (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
[1,0]<stdout>:        1024            32   float            28.52    0.04    0.03  0e+00    27.43    0.04    0.03  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:        2048            64   float            27.57    0.07    0.07  0e+00    27.54    0.07    0.07  7e-03
[1,0]<stdout>:        4096           128   float            27.79    0.15    0.13  0e+00    27.41    0.15    0.13  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:        8192           256   float            27.72    0.30    0.26  0e+00    27.51    0.30    0.26  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:       16384           512   float            28.14    0.58    0.51  0e+00    27.68    0.59    0.52  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:       32768          1024   float            29.81    1.10    0.96  0e+00    29.58    1.11    0.97  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:       65536          2048   float            29.80    2.20    1.92  0e+00    29.38    2.23    1.95  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:      131072          4096   float            29.65    4.42    3.87  0e+00    29.09    4.51    3.94  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:      262144          8192   float            30.16    8.69    7.60  0e+00    30.66    8.55    7.48  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:      524288         16384   float            33.83   15.50   13.56  0e+00    32.78   15.99   13.99  0e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:     1048576         32768   float            40.29   26.02   22.77  0e+00    40.60   25.83   22.60  0e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:     2097152         65536   float            51.11   41.03   35.90  0e+00    51.78   40.50   35.44  0e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:     4194304        131072   float            69.77   60.12   52.60  0e+00    69.61   60.26   52.73  0e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:     8388608        262144   float            110.0   76.23   66.70  0e+00    106.1   79.05   69.17  0e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:    16777216        524288   float            191.4   87.63   76.68  0e+00    186.8   89.80   78.57  0e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:    33554432       1048576   float            218.5  153.57  134.37  0e+00    215.9  155.42  136.00  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:    67108864       2097152   float            318.1  210.98  184.61  0e+00    317.6  211.30  184.89  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:   134217728       4194304   float            585.6  229.21  200.56  0e+00    598.9  224.09  196.08  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:   268435456       8388608   float           1141.8  235.11  205.72  0e+00   1170.4  229.35  200.68  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:   536870912      16777216   float           2205.1  243.46  213.03  0e+00   2160.7  248.47  217.41  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:  1073741824      33554432   float           4251.5  252.56  220.99  0e+00   4126.4  260.21  227.68  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:  2147483648      67108864   float           8364.4  256.74  224.65  0e+00   8081.1  265.74  232.52  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:  4294967296     134217728   float            16630  258.27  225.99  0e+00    16013  268.22  234.69  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:  8589934592     268435456   float            33186  258.84  226.48  0e+00    31877  269.47  235.79  1e+00

Modified nccl-tests:

[1,0]<stdout>:#                                                       out-of-place                       in-place
[1,0]<stdout>:#       size         count      type   redop     time   algbw   busbw  error     time   algbw   busbw  error
[1,0]<stdout>:#        (B)    (elements)                       (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
[1,0]<stdout>:        1024            32     float            43.59    0.02    0.02  0e+00    43.32    0.02    0.02  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:        2048            64     float            43.75    0.05    0.04  0e+00    45.71    0.04    0.04  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:        4096           128     float            45.70    0.09    0.08  0e+00    45.45    0.09    0.08  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:        8192           256     float            45.21    0.18    0.16  0e+00    44.55    0.18    0.16  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:       16384           512     float            44.84    0.37    0.32  0e+00    44.48    0.37    0.32  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:       32768          1024     float            45.16    0.73    0.63  0e+00    44.57    0.74    0.64  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:       65536          2048     float            44.33    1.48    1.29  0e+00    44.77    1.46    1.28  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:      131072          4096     float            45.12    2.91    2.54  0e+00    45.15    2.90    2.54  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:      262144          8192     float            45.62    5.75    5.03  0e+00    45.23    5.80    5.07  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:      524288         16384     float            48.53   10.80    9.45  0e+00    47.85   10.96    9.59  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:     1048576         32768     float            55.42   18.92   16.55  0e+00    55.21   18.99   16.62  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:     2097152         65536     float            68.69   30.53   26.71  0e+00    68.27   30.72   26.88  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:     4194304        131072     float            92.01   45.58   39.89  0e+00    90.83   46.18   40.40  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:     8388608        262144     float            136.5   61.48   53.79  0e+00    134.9   62.17   54.39  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:    16777216        524288     float            166.4  100.80   88.20  0e+00    164.7  101.87   89.14  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:    33554432       1048576     float            226.0  148.45  129.90  0e+00    226.4  148.18  129.66  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:    67108864       2097152     float            360.0  186.40  163.10  0e+00    361.0  185.87  162.64  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:   134217728       4194304     float            644.8  208.17  182.15  0e+00    646.1  207.73  181.77  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:   268435456       8388608     float           1198.7  223.94  195.95  0e+00   1194.5  224.73  196.64  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:   536870912      16777216     float           2316.6  231.75  202.78  0e+00   2318.0  231.61  202.66  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:  1073741824      33554432     float           4549.4  236.02  206.52  0e+00   4537.5  236.64  207.06  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:  2147483648      67108864     float           9008.3  238.39  208.59  0e+00   9003.4  238.52  208.70  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:  4294967296     134217728     float            17874  240.29  210.26  0e+00    17885  240.15  210.13  1e+00
[1,0]<stdout>:  8589934592     268435456     float            35562  241.55  211.36  0e+00    35564  241.53  211.34  1e+00

Overall all-to-all latency in the latter case is a little bit larger due to smaller packet size and more P2P operations.

Fragile-azalea commented 2 years ago

By set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/xxx/nccl_2.10.3-1+cuda10.2_x86_64/lib, it works now.

# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 134217728 maxBytes 134217728 step: 2(factor) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 validation: 1
# Using devices
#   Rank  0 Pid 1372214 on     host12 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
#   Rank  1 Pid 3915732 on     host13 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
NCCL version 2.10.3+cuda10.2
#                                                       out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop     time   algbw   busbw  error     time   algbw   busbw  error
#        (B)    (elements)                       (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
   134217728      16777216     float           675213    0.20    0.10  0e+00   674851    0.20    0.10  0e+00
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0.0994159
# nThread 1 nGpus 1 minBytes 134217728 maxBytes 134217728 step: 2(factor) warmup iters: 5 iters: 20 validation: 1
# Using devices
#   Rank  0 Pid 1372636 on     host12 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
#   Rank  1 Pid 3916798 on     host13 device  0 [0x02] GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER
NCCL version 2.10.3+cuda10.2
#                                                       out-of-place                       in-place
#       size         count      type   redop     time   algbw   busbw  error     time   algbw   busbw  error
#        (B)    (elements)                       (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)            (us)  (GB/s)  (GB/s)
   134217728      16777216     float           677196    0.20    0.10  0e+00   677425    0.20    0.10  0e+00
# Out of bounds values : 0 OK
# Avg bus bandwidth    : 0.0990814
ghostplant commented 2 years ago

Thanks @yzygitzh. Seems like it is an old NCCL issue. I'll close this since it is solved by upgrading NCCL.

Fragile-azalea commented 2 years ago

By set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/xxx/nccl_2.10.3-1+cuda10.2_x86_64/lib, Tutul also works now. Here is my log.

[Statistics] param count for MoE local_experts = 24, param count for MoE gate = 8.

  (_moe_layer): MOELayer(
    Top-K(s) = ['k=2, noise=0.0'], Total-Experts = 4 [managed by 2 device(s)],
    (experts): FusedExpertsNetwork(model_dim=2, hidden_size=2, output_dim=2, local_experts=2)
    (gates): ModuleList(
      (0): LinearTopKGate(
        (wg): Linear(in_features=2, out_features=4, bias=False)
[Benchmark] world_size = 2, dtype = float32, model_dim = 2, hidden_size = 2, samples = 4, num_local_experts = 2, topK = 2, a2a_ffn_overlap_degree = 2, parallel_type = `auto`, device = `cuda:0`
tensor([[[ 1.5410, -0.2934],
         [-1.0845, -1.3986]],

        [[ 1.5410, -0.2934],
         [ 0.4033,  0.8380]],

        [[-2.1788,  0.5684],
         [-1.0845, -1.3986]],

        [[ 0.4033,  0.8380],
         [-2.1788,  0.5684]]], device='cuda:0')
NCCL version 2.7.8+cuda10.2
NCCL version 2.10.3+cuda10.2
tensor([[[ 1.5410, -0.2934],
         [-1.0845, -1.3986]],

        [[ 1.5410, -0.2934],
         [ 0.4033,  0.8380]],

        [[-2.1788,  0.5684],
         [-1.0845, -1.3986]],

        [[ 0.4033,  0.8380],
         [-2.1788,  0.5684]]], device='cuda:0')
STEP-0: loss = 0.00000, step_time = 3.229446 sec, perf = 0.00 tflops.

It's subtle that the log contains both NCCL version 2.7.8+cuda10.2 and NCCL version 2.10.3+cuda10.2, but it works well.