microsoft / vcpkg

C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
MIT License
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MSBUILD and IncrementalClean #31901

Open reid-p opened 1 year ago

reid-p commented 1 year ago

This is target Visual Studio 17.6.1 and windows. After using static linking mostly till now I've generated a triplet that mixes static and dynamic libraries from vcpkg All seemed to be working and all is ok provided I build things from IDE.

However when building from the command line using msbuild in some situations which i can't track done IncrementalClean is getting triggered on the dlls that have been deployed to the folder the exe is in. This happens with incremental builds. And not always, sometimes they there, sometime they disappear. Once this happens the only way to get them to reappear is a full rebuild. Either from the command line or the IDE.

The Solution is also generating a couple of dlls. And these end up in the dependent exe's folder, and don't get removed. Only the dll's deployed from vcpkg are disappearing.

I'm not using the manifest mode for vcpkg. There is single global installation.

It sounds similar to:

But I've had no success in trying to work around the problem. Any tips on where to look appreciated.

My msbuild skills are lacking.

jimwang118 commented 1 year ago

The Solution is also generating a couple of dlls. And these end up in the dependent exe's folder, and don't get removed. Only the dll's deployed from vcpkg are disappearing.

I don't understand what "only dlls deployed from vcpkg are disappearing" mean? Can you provide an example of what went wrong?

reid-p commented 1 year ago

My solution has a locally built dll. The dll from that "local" project remains the exe's output folder. But the dll's that came from teh vcpkg installation are deleted.

jimwang118 commented 1 year ago

My solution has a locally built dll. The dll from that "local" project remains the exe's output folder. But the dll's that came from teh vcpkg installation are deleted.

Are the dll files in the vcpkg/install directory disappearing when recompiling?

reid-p commented 1 year ago

I have a solution that has the following projects:

If I do a clean rebuild the application output directory (where the exe ends up) also gets the dlls from vcpkg and solution dll. Editing and building from the IDE all the dlls remain in place while either rebuilding or incremental builds.

If I do the same things from the command line using msbuild. The dlls are present only if I do a rebuild. The solution dll is always present. But the dlls source from the vcpkg install have disappeared. I see a log message about incrementalClean deleting the vcpkg dlls from teh exe output folder.

Opening the ide and doing a build, does NOT restore the dlls.

Doing a full rebuild of the solution from either the command line OR the ide and the vcpkg dlls will reappear in the exe folder.

The vcpkg install folder is all good.

MarkVabulas commented 11 months ago

This is also happening to me. On first build or clean rebuild, all of the vcpkg dll's are in the correct place, and the solution runs. On successive rebuilds, or during packaging into an msixbundle, I run into the build log below:

2>Target _CreateBundle: 2> Skipping target "_CreateBundle" because all output files are up-to-date with respect to the input files. 2>Target _GenerateAppxPackage: 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp_installerinfo.log". 2>Target IncrementalClean: 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\ProjectName_uwp.vcxproj.GenerateResource.Cache". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\ProjectName_1.9.7.0_scale-100.msix". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\ProjectName_1.9.7.0_scale-125.msix". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\ProjectName_1.9.7.0_scale-150.msix". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\ProjectName_1.9.7.0_scale-400.msix". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\abseil_dll.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\azure-core.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\libcurl.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\zlib1.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\azure-storage-blobs.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\azure-storage-common.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\datachannel.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\srtp2.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\libssl-3-arm64.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\libcrypto-3-arm64.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\juice.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\libprotobuf-lite.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\libprotobuf.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\re2.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\cares.dll". 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\output\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\jsoncpp.dll". 2>Target FinalizeBuildStatus: 2> Deleting file "D:\ProjectName\buildtree\arm64\Release\ProjectName_uwp\ProjectName.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild". 2> 2>Build succeeded. 2> 0 Warning(s) 2> 0 Error(s) 2>

All of these are dll's linked in through vcpkg, while other dll's I've specified in the linker for other non-vcpkg external libraries are left alone. All of these dll's are necessary for the project to run, obviously.

reid-p commented 11 months ago

My work around has been to insert the following <target/> into my vcxproj files. I just output a message as a reminder for the future when this breaks something else. I arrived at this thru random attempts with no real knowledge of how msbuild works. Need to be after the <import/>.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="">
  <Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.targets" />
  <Target Name="IncrementalClean">
    <Message Text="IncrementalClean Overridden. This may have undesired long term problems." />
MarkVabulas commented 11 months ago

@jimwang118 I am also experiencing this issue, and would love to resolve it. It's happening on both installs of Visual Studio I have (Version 17.3.5 and also 17.7.0 Preview 3) on two different machines (one is my laptop, another is my desktop), so it's reproducible across systems as well.

It happens whether I'm targeting either a local x86 build for the Hololens 2 Emulator, or an arm64 build for using on the Hololens 2 directly. It seems to be happening when doing a quick rebuild without source modifications. For example, in a sample workflow:

1) Make Source modifications 2) Build and Run using to debug, works great 3) Upon trying to "Run" the deployment again, it deletes all of the "unused" files, which in this case is the dll files which were copied in the post-source changes build. After it runs the MBBuild config, it repackages/rebundles the PackageLayout, which in this case doesn't contain the dll's anymore. Upon trying to invoke the executable on the emulator/device/local, the dll's are missing from the package (because they had been deleted).

The workaround I've had to use in order to make a build/test cycle work means that every time I want to start a debugging session, I have to make a minor source code change (even if it's just removing a blank line, saving, putting it back, saving) which triggers the MSBuild tasks to make sure to include the dll's coming from vcpkg. If I have no source modifications (in my own project), then it deletes the dll's that were previously copied from vcpkg, because it thinks it doesn't need them and they're useless artifacts.

MarkVabulas commented 11 months ago

Side note: this issue occurs with and also without having incremental builds enabled.

Henrik-Norgren commented 9 months ago

+1 Me and my colleagues have experienced this issue as well (Visual Studio 17.7.0). For some it's rare but for others it happens very frequently. Seems random, but I guess it's whenever the IncrementalClean is triggered.

KirillOsenkov commented 4 months ago

See if this is

chenjie4255 commented 3 months ago

same problem here. using the vcpkg, even a restarting will result in the deletion of the DLL files copied by vcpkg.

two workarounds I found: