microsoft / vcpkg

C++ Library Manager for Windows, Linux, and MacOS
MIT License
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vcpkg crash when upgrading #32059

Closed DougRogers closed 1 year ago

DougRogers commented 1 year ago

C:\vcpkg>vcpkg update
Using local portfile versions. To update the local portfiles, use `git pull`.
The following packages differ from their port versions:
        boost:x64-windows                1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-accumulators:x64-windows   1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-algorithm:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-align:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-any:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-array:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-asio:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#3
        boost-assert:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-assign:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-atomic:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-beast:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-bimap:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-bind:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-build:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-callable-traits:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-chrono:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-circular-buffer:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-compatibility:x64-windows  1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-compute:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-concept-check:x64-windows  1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-config:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-container:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-container-hash:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-context:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-contract:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-conversion:x64-windows     1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-convert:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-core:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-coroutine:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-coroutine2:x64-windows     1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-crc:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-date-time:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-describe:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-detail:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-dll:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-dynamic-bitset:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-endian:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-exception:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-fiber:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-filesystem:x64-windows     1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-flyweight:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-foreach:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-format:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-function:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-function-types:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-functional:x64-windows     1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-fusion:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-geometry:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-gil:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-graph:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-hana:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-heap:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-histogram:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-hof:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-icl:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-integer:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-interprocess:x64-windows   1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-interval:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-intrusive:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-io:x64-windows             1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-iostreams:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-iterator:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-json:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-lambda:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-lambda2:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-leaf:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-lexical-cast:x64-windows   1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-local-function:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-locale:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-lockfree:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-log:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-logic:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-math:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-metaparse:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-modular-build-helper:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-move:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-mp11:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-mpl:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-msm:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-multi-array:x64-windows    1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-multi-index:x64-windows    1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-multiprecision:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-mysql:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-nowide:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-numeric-conversion:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-odeint:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-optional:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-outcome:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-parameter:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-parameter-python:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-pfr:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-phoenix:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-poly-collection:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-polygon:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-pool:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-predef:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-preprocessor:x64-windows   1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-process:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-program-options:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-property-map:x64-windows   1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-property-tree:x64-windows  1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-proto:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-ptr-container:x64-windows  1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-python:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-qvm:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-random:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-range:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-ratio:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-rational:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-regex:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-safe-numerics:x64-windows  1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-scope-exit:x64-windows     1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-serialization:x64-windows  1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-signals2:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-smart-ptr:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-sort:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-spirit:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-stacktrace:x64-windows     1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-statechart:x64-windows     1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-static-assert:x64-windows  1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-static-string:x64-windows  1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-stl-interfaces:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-system:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-test:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-thread:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-throw-exception:x64-windows 1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-timer:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-tokenizer:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-tti:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-tuple:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-type-erasure:x64-windows   1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-type-index:x64-windows     1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-type-traits:x64-windows    1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-typeof:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-ublas:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-uninstall:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-units:x64-windows          1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-unordered:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-url:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-utility:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-uuid:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-variant:x64-windows        1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-variant2:x64-windows       1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-vcpkg-helpers:x64-windows  1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-vmd:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-wave:x64-windows           1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-winapi:x64-windows         1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-xpressive:x64-windows      1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        boost-yap:x64-windows            1.82.0#1 -> 1.82.0#2
        curl:x64-windows                 8.0.1 -> 8.1.2
        gettext:x64-windows              0.21.1 -> 0.21.1#2
        glib:x64-windows                 2.76.1#1 -> 2.76.3#1
        gstreamer:x64-windows            1.20.5#8 -> 1.20.5#9
        libde265:x64-windows             1.0.11 -> 1.0.11#2
        libheif:x64-windows              1.15.1#1 -> 1.16.1#1
        liblzma:x64-windows              5.4.1#1 -> 5.4.3
        libraw:x64-windows               0.21.1 -> 0.21.1#1
        mpg123:x64-windows               1.31.3 -> 1.31.3#1
        openssl:x64-windows              3.1.0#4 -> 3.1.1
        pcre2:x64-windows                10.40#2 -> 10.42
        sqlite3:x64-windows              3.40.1#3 -> 3.42.0
        tbb:x64-windows                  2021.9.0 -> 2021.9.0#2
        tesseract:x64-windows            5.3.0#1 -> 5.3.1
        vcpkg-cmake:x64-windows          2022-12-22 -> 2023-05-04
        x265:x64-windows                 3.4#8 -> 3.4#9
To update these packages and all dependencies, run
.\vcpkg upgrade'
To only remove outdated packages, run
.\vcpkg remove --outdated

C:\vcpkg>vcpkg upgrade
The following packages will be rebuilt:
  * boost[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-accumulators[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-algorithm[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-align[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-any[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-array[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-asio[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#3
  * boost-assert[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-assign[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-atomic[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-beast[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-bimap[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-bind[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-build[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-callable-traits[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-chrono[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-circular-buffer[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-compatibility[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-compute[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-concept-check[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-config[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-container[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-container-hash[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-context[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-contract[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-conversion[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-convert[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-core[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-coroutine[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-coroutine2[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-crc[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-date-time[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-describe[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-detail[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-dll[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-dynamic-bitset[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-endian[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-exception[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-fiber[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-filesystem[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-flyweight[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-foreach[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-format[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-function[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-function-types[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-functional[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-fusion[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-geometry[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-gil[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-graph[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-hana[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-heap[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-histogram[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-hof[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-icl[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-integer[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-interprocess[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-interval[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-intrusive[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-io[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-iostreams[bzip2,core,lzma,zlib,zstd]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-iterator[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-json[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-lambda[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-lambda2[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-leaf[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-lexical-cast[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-local-function[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-locale[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-lockfree[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-log[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-logic[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-math[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-metaparse[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-modular-build-helper[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-move[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-mp11[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-mpl[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-msm[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-multi-array[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-multi-index[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-multiprecision[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-mysql[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-nowide[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-numeric-conversion[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-odeint[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-optional[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-outcome[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-parameter[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-parameter-python[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-pfr[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-phoenix[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-poly-collection[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-polygon[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-pool[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-predef[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-preprocessor[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-process[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-program-options[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-property-map[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-property-tree[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-proto[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-ptr-container[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-python[core,python3]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-qvm[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-random[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-range[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-ratio[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-rational[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-regex[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-safe-numerics[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-scope-exit[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-serialization[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-signals2[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-smart-ptr[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-sort[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-spirit[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-stacktrace[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-statechart[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-static-assert[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-static-string[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-stl-interfaces[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-system[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-test[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-thread[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-throw-exception[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-timer[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-tokenizer[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-tti[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-tuple[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-type-erasure[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-type-index[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-type-traits[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-typeof[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-ublas[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-uninstall[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-units[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-unordered[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-url[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-utility[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-uuid[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-variant[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-variant2[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-vcpkg-helpers[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-vmd[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-wave[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-winapi[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-xpressive[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * boost-yap[core]:x64-windows -> 1.82.0#2
  * breakpad[core]:x64-windows -> 2022-07-12#4
  * bzip2[core,tool]:x64-windows -> 1.0.8#4
  * curl[core,non-http,schannel,ssl,sspi]:x64-windows -> 8.1.2
  * expat[core]:x64-windows -> 2.5.0#3
  * faad2[core]:x64-windows -> 2.10.1
  * ffmpeg[avcodec,avdevice,avfilter,avformat,core,swresample,swscale]:x64-windows -> 5.1.2#6
  * freeglut[core]:x64-windows -> 3.4.0
  * gettext[core]:x64-windows -> 0.21.1#2
  * giflib[core]:x64-windows -> 5.2.1#3
  * glib[core]:x64-windows -> 2.76.3#1
  * gstreamer[core,dtls,faad,gpl,jpeg,libav,mpg123,openh264,openjpeg,openmpt,plugins-bad,plugins-base,plugins-good,plugins-ugly,png,speex,taglib,vpx,webp,x265]:x64-windows -> 1.20.5#9
  * hdf5[core,szip,zlib]:x64-windows -> 1.14.0#1
  * imath[core]:x64-windows -> 3.1.5
  * jasper[core,default-features,opengl]:x64-windows -> 4.0.0#2
  * lcms[core]:x64-windows -> 2.14
  * leptonica[core]:x64-windows -> 1.83.1
  * libarchive[bzip2,core,crypto,libxml2,lz4,lzma,zstd]:x64-windows -> 3.6.2
  * libde265[core]:x64-windows -> 1.0.11#2
  * libdisasm[core]:x64-windows -> 0.23#10
  * libffi[core]:x64-windows -> 3.4.4#1
  * libheif[core]:x64-windows -> 1.16.1#1
  * libjpeg-turbo[core]:x64-windows ->
  * liblzma[core]:x64-windows -> 5.4.3
  * libogg[core]:x64-windows -> 1.3.5#1
  * libopenmpt[core]:x64-windows -> 0.6.7
  * libpng[core]:x64-windows -> 1.6.39#1
  * libraw[core]:x64-windows -> 0.21.1#1
  * libvorbis[core]:x64-windows -> 1.3.7#2
  * libwebp[core,libwebpmux,nearlossless,simd,unicode]:x64-windows -> 1.3.0
  * libxml2[core,iconv,lzma,zlib]:x64-windows -> 2.10.3#1
  * lz4[core]:x64-windows -> 1.9.4#1
  * mpg123[core]:x64-windows -> 1.31.3#1
  * opencv[contrib,core,default-features]:x64-windows -> 4.7.0#1
  * opencv4[contrib,core,default-features,dnn,jpeg,png,quirc,tiff,webp]:x64-windows -> 4.7.0#6
  * openexr[core]:x64-windows -> 3.1.7
  * openjpeg[core]:x64-windows -> 2.5.0
  * openssl[core]:x64-windows -> 3.1.1
  * pcre2[core,jit,platform-default-features]:x64-windows -> 10.42
  * protobuf[core]:x64-windows -> 3.21.12
  * python3[core]:x64-windows -> 3.10.7#6
  * quirc[core]:x64-windows -> 1.1#3
  * sqlite3[core,json1]:x64-windows -> 3.42.0
  * szip[core]:x64-windows -> 2.1.1#11
  * taglib[core]:x64-windows -> 1.13.0#1
  * tbb[core]:x64-windows -> 2021.9.0#2
  * tesseract[core]:x64-windows -> 5.3.1
  * tiff[core,jpeg,lzma,zip]:x64-windows -> 4.5.0#3
  * vcpkg-cmake[core]:x64-windows -> 2023-05-04
  * vcpkg-cmake-get-vars[core]:x64-windows -> 2023-03-02
  * x265[core]:x64-windows -> 3.4#9
  * yasm[core,tools]:x64-windows -> 1.3.0#5
  * yasm-tool-helper[core]:x64-windows -> 2020-03-11#1
  * zlib[core]:x64-windows -> 1.2.13
  * zstd[core]:x64-windows -> 1.5.5
The following packages will be built and installed:
  * gettext-libintl[core]:x64-windows -> 0.21.1#1
Additional packages (*) will be modified to complete this operation.
If you are sure you want to rebuild the above packages, run this command with the --no-dry-run option.

C:\vcpkg>vcpkg update --no-dry-run option
error: unexpected switch: --no-dry-run
error: the command 'update' does not accept any additional arguments
error: unexpected argument: option
    vcpkg update
  --x-asset-sources=...           Add sources for asset caching. See 'vcpkg help assetcaching'.
  --binarysource=...              Add sources for binary caching. See 'vcpkg help binarycaching'.
  --x-buildtrees-root=...         (Experimental) Specify the buildtrees root directory.
  --downloads-root=...            Specify the downloads root directory.
                                  (default: VCPKG_DOWNLOADS)
  --host-triplet=...              Specify the host architecture triplet. See 'vcpkg help triplet'.
                                  (default: 'VCPKG_DEFAULT_HOST_TRIPLET')
  --x-install-root=...            (Experimental) Specify the install root directory.
  --overlay-ports=...             Specify directories to be used when searching for ports.
                                  (also: 'VCPKG_OVERLAY_PORTS')
  --overlay-triplets=...          Specifiy directories containing triplets files.
                                  (also: 'VCPKG_OVERLAY_TRIPLETS')
  --x-packages-root=...           (Experimental) Specify the packages root directory.
  --triplet=...                   Specify the target architecture triplet. See 'vcpkg help triplet'.
                                  (default: 'VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET')
  --vcpkg-root=...                Specify the vcpkg root directory.
                                  (default: 'VCPKG_ROOT')

C:\vcpkg>vcpkg upgrade --no-dry-run option
warning: Starting with the September 2023 release, the default triplet for vcpkg libraries will change from x86-windows to the detected host triplet (x64-windows). To resolve this message, add --triplet x86-windows to keep the same behavior.
error: The following packages are not installed:
error: The following packages do not have a valid CONTROL or vcpkg.json:
internal error: D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vcpkg\commands.upgrade.cpp(180): vcpkg has crashed; no additional details are available.
Please open an issue at with detailed steps to reproduce the problem.

C:\vcpkg>vcpkg upgrade --no-dry-run option  --triplet x86-windows
error: The following packages are not installed:
error: The following packages do not have a valid CONTROL or vcpkg.json:
internal error: D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vcpkg\commands.upgrade.cpp(180): vcpkg has crashed; no additional details are available.
Please open an issue at with detailed steps to reproduce the problem.

StarGate-One commented 1 year ago

cd <vcpkg directory> git pull to update local vcpkg repo .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat to update the vcpkg.exe aka vcpkg-tool .\vcpkg upgrade --no-dry-run it will upgrade any installed ports with changes to the latest version

DougRogers commented 1 year ago

I accidentally copied the word "option" into the command. I think this is a duplicate, but I can't find it.