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[dcmtk] The dcmtk[openssl] not actually apply WITH_OPENSSL in windows x64 #38476

Open zzfzzf1018 opened 2 weeks ago

zzfzzf1018 commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug I use the command to install the dcmtk with openssl feature on

vcpkg install dcmtk[openssl]

Then I write some sample code using dcmtk tls like

#include <dcmtk/dcmtls/tlslayer.h>
int main(int, char **)

It works well when building and executing in linux environment (in my WSL2 ubuntu), But in windows, I got below errors when build the project

[build] C:\fly_dev_3\cmake_try\4-sample-win\main.cpp(147,5): error C2653: 'DcmTLSTransportLayer': is not a class or namespace name [C:\fly_dev_3\cmake_try\4-sample-win\out\build\Test\MyTest.vcxproj]
[build] C:\fly_dev_3\cmake_try\4-sample-win\main.cpp(147,27): error C3861: 'initializeOpenSSL': identifier not found [C:\fly_dev_3\cmake_try\4-sample-win\out\build\Test\MyTest.vcxproj]

_I find that the windows dcmtk package in dcmtk/config/osconfig.h file the WITHOPENSSL not defined

Seems the feature not truly enabled.


To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. ./vcpkg install dcmtk[openssl]
  2. Create a cmake project using the following code
#include <iostream>
#include "dcmtk/dcmdata/dctk.h"
#include "dcmtk/dcmnet/assoc.h"
#include <dcmtk/dcmnet/dimse.h>
#include <dcmtk/dcmtls/tlslayer.h>
using namespace std;
int opt_acse_timeout = 30;
int main(int, char **)
    DcmTLSTransportLayer::initializeOpenSSL(); // initialize OpenSSL library
    T_ASC_Network *net; // network struct, contains DICOM upper layer FSM etc.
    OFCondition cond = ASC_initializeNetwork(NET_REQUESTOR, 0, opt_acse_timeout, &net);
    if (!cond.good())
        return 1;
    T_ASC_Parameters *params; // parameters of association request
    cond = ASC_createAssociationParameters(&params, ASC_DEFAULTMAXPDU);
    if (!cond.good())
        return 1;
        T_ASC_NetworkRole opt_networkRole = NET_REQUESTOR;
        DcmTLSTransportLayer *tLayer = new DcmTLSTransportLayer(opt_networkRole, OFnullptr, OFFalse);
        auto rootCAFile = "/mnt/c/test/rootCA.cer";
        cond = tLayer->addTrustedCertificateFile(rootCAFile, DcmKeyFileFormat::DCF_Filetype_PEM);
        if (cond.bad())
            return 1;
        // skip cert check
        cond = tLayer->setTLSProfile(DcmTLSSecurityProfile::TSP_Profile_BCP_195_RFC_8996);
        if (cond.bad())
            return 1;
        cond = ASC_setTransportLayer(net, tLayer, 0);
        if (cond.bad())
            return 1;
        cond = ASC_setTransportLayerType(params, true);
        if (cond.bad())
            return 1;

    // set calling and called AE titles
    ASC_setAPTitles(params, "ECHOSCU", "ANY-SCP", NULL);
    ASC_setPresentationAddresses(params, "", "");
    // list of transfer syntaxes, only a single entry here
    const char *ts[] = {UID_LittleEndianImplicitTransferSyntax};
    // add presentation context to association request
    int preId = 1;
    ASC_addPresentationContext(params, preId, UID_VerificationSOPClass, ts, 1);

    // request DICOM association
    T_ASC_Association *assoc;
    cond = ASC_requestAssociation(net, params, &assoc);
    if (!cond.good())
        return 1;
        T_DIMSE_Message msg;
        memset((char *)&msg, 0, sizeof(msg));
        msg.msg.CStoreRQ.MessageID = 1;
        msg.CommandField = DIMSE_C_STORE_RQ;
        msg.msg.CStoreRQ.DataSetType = T_DIMSE_DataSetType::DIMSE_DATASET_PRESENT;
        strcpy(msg.msg.CStoreRQ.AffectedSOPClassUID, "1.2.840.10008."); // 不传文件名会unknown开头
        strcpy(msg.msg.CStoreRQ.AffectedSOPInstanceUID, "");              // 设置受影响的SOP实例UID
        auto dcmFile = "/mnt/c/test/CT.DCM";
        cond = DIMSE_sendMessageUsingFileData(assoc, preId, &msg, NULL, dcmFile, NULL, NULL);
        if (!cond.good())
            return 1;

    cond = ASC_releaseAssociation(assoc); // release association
    if (!cond.good())
        return 1;
    cond = ASC_destroyAssociation(&assoc); // delete assoc structure
    if (!cond.good())
        return 1;
    cond = ASC_dropNetwork(&net); // delete net structure
    if (!cond.good())
        return 1;
  1. Build failed, because the macro WITH_OPENSSL not defined, so the tlslayer.h not contain the tls related classes.

Expected behavior Should build success like in linux env

Failure logs ··· [build] C:\fly_dev_3\cmake_try\4-sample-win\main.cpp(147,5): error C2653: 'DcmTLSTransportLayer': is not a class or namespace name [C:\fly_dev_3\cmake_try\4-sample-win\out\build\Test\MyTest.vcxproj] [build] C:\fly_dev_3\cmake_try\4-sample-win\main.cpp(147,27): error C3861: 'initializeOpenSSL': identifier not found [C:\fly_dev_3\cmake_try\4-sample-win\out\build\Test\MyTest.vcxproj] [build] C:\fly_dev_3\cmake_try\4-sample-win\main.cpp(149,5): error C2065: 'DcmTLSTransportLayer': undeclared identifier [C:\fly_dev_3\cmake_try\4-sample-win\out\build\Test\MyTest.vcxproj] ···

Additional context If I define the WITH_OPENSSL in my code , then build. it will return the LINK error. So I believe the DCMTK not enable the OPENSSL feature in windowsX64

below is the vcpkg list

PS C:\Debug> vcpkg list
boost-uninstall:x64-linux                         1.84.0              Internal vcpkg port used to uninstall Boost
dcmtk:x64-linux                                   3.6.8#3             This DICOM ToolKit (DCMTK) package consists of s...
dcmtk:x64-windows                                 3.6.8#3             This DICOM ToolKit (DCMTK) package consists of s...
dcmtk[openssl]:x64-linux                                              Enable OpenSSL
dcmtk[openssl]:x64-windows                                            Enable OpenSSL
openssl:x64-linux                                 3.3.0               OpenSSL is an open source project that provides ...
openssl:x64-windows                               3.3.0               OpenSSL is an open source project that provides ...
vcpkg-cmake-config:x64-linux                      2022-02-06#1
vcpkg-cmake-config:x64-windows                    2022-02-06#1
vcpkg-cmake-get-vars:x64-linux                    2023-12-31
vcpkg-cmake-get-vars:x64-windows                  2023-12-31
vcpkg-cmake:x64-linux                             2023-05-04
vcpkg-cmake:x64-windows                           2023-05-04
JonLiu1993 commented 2 weeks ago

This issue could be reproduced with vcpkg 2024-03-14-7d353e869753e5609a1f1a057df3db8fd356e49d and VS2022 17.9.6