microsoft / vs-streamjsonrpc

The StreamJsonRpc library offers JSON-RPC 2.0 over any .NET Stream, WebSocket, or Pipe. With bonus support for request cancellation, client proxy generation, and more.
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Rpc Server handling JSON string requests #1059

Closed slimshader closed 2 months ago

slimshader commented 2 months ago


I'd like to use StreamJsonRpc in less usual way: executing methods on the target but from JSON string as an inout, I managed this snipped to partially work:

using StreamJsonRpc;
using System.Text;

public class RpcServer
    public int Add(int a, int b)
        return a + b;

class Program
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var rpcServer = new RpcServer();

        string jsonRpcRequest = @"{
            ""jsonrpc"": ""2.0"",
            ""method"": ""Add"",
            ""params"": [1, 2],
            ""id"": 1

        jsonRpcRequest = $"Content-Length: {jsonRpcRequest.Length}\r\n\r\n{jsonRpcRequest}";

        var sendingStream = new MemoryStream();
        var receivingStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonRpcRequest));

        var jsonRpc = JsonRpc.Attach(sendingStream, receivingStream, rpcServer);

        await jsonRpc.Completion;

        var result = sendingStream.ToArray();


In the debugger I see that Add() method is being called on RpcServer object, the problem I have is with the response. I am not able to read sendingStream as it is closed and ToArray() reuslts in empty array. How can I access the response?

slimshader commented 2 months ago

Update: I quickly coded custom Stream to serve as sending stream to debug the output and I noticed that Write() is never called on that stream so I guess the actual problem is not the fact that sendingStream is closed but that response is never actually written to it.

AArnott commented 2 months ago

While the library doesn't directly support what you're doing, I think you can achieve what you're hoping for. Check out our WebSocketMessageHandler for an example of non-Stream based I/O.

If you write your own class derived from MessageHandlerBase, you can create your own queues of incoming and outgoing messages.

slimshader commented 2 months ago

Thanks! Looks like what I need indeed although still wandering why my code isn’t working even tho there are no errors.

slimshader commented 2 months ago

Unfortunately, I just check out the example code for [WebSocketMessageHandler] and it does not look what I need. Will try figure out why stream-based code does not work as expected.