microsoft / vscode-anycode

MIT License
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auto integrate with language Service #21

Open heartacker opened 2 years ago

heartacker commented 2 years ago

I have installed anycode in my desktop-vscode. and could it be disable in some language if those language-service is available: e.g.

if C/C++ extension is installed or somehow available, anycode for c/c++ will be auto disable.

jrieken commented 2 years ago

It does that for the typescript and python but it's hard to do this generically because there is no finite list of language service identifiers. For now, you need to disable features per language individually using a language specific configuration, e.g this is what I use

"[typescript]": {
        "anycode.language.features": {
            "completions": false,
            "definitions": false,
            "references": false,
            "highlights": false,
            "outline": false,
            "workspaceSymbols": true,
            "diagnostics": false
heartacker commented 2 years ago

thanks and hope that we could earn this one day