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Unable to Deploy to Function App #4176

Closed RRanks closed 1 week ago

RRanks commented 3 weeks ago

Inconsistent results when I try Deploy to Function App.. I am getting stuck on this where it fails to complete the Zipping of the package. Sometimes it works but the majority it is like this... where I have to keep trying till it works.

First attempt

10:05:06 PM FunctionApp-FA: Starting deployment... 10:05:06 PM FunctionApp-FA: Creating zip package... 10:05:09 PM FunctionApp-FA: Zip package size: 771 kB 10:06:07 PM: Error: The operation was aborted.

Next attempt:

10:16:24 PM FunctionApp-FA: Starting deployment... 10:16:25 PM FunctionApp-FA: Creating zip package... 10:16:28 PM FunctionApp-FA: Zip package size: 771 kB 10:17:10 PM FunctionApp-FA: Fetching changes. 10:17:11 PM FunctionApp-FA: Cleaning up temp folders from previous zip deployments and extracting pushed zip file C:\local\Temp\zipdeploy\ (0.74 MB) to C:\local\Temp\zipdeploy\extracted 10:17:52 PM: Error: The operation was aborted.

3rd Time Lucky....

1:56:49 AM FunctionApp-FA: Starting deployment... 1:56:49 AM FunctionApp-FA: Creating zip package... 1:56:52 AM FunctionApp-FA: Zip package size: 773 kB 1:57:02 AM FunctionApp-FA: Updating submodules. 1:57:03 AM FunctionApp-FA: Preparing deployment for commit id '368eefeb61'. 1:57:04 AM FunctionApp-FA: Generating deployment script. 1:57:04 AM FunctionApp-FA: Using cached version of deployment script (command: 'azure -y --no-dot-deployment -r "C:\local\Temp\zipdeploy\extracted" -o "C:\home\site\deployments\tools" --basic --sitePath "C:\local\Temp\zipdeploy\extracted"'). 1:57:05 AM FunctionApp-FA: Running deployment command... 1:57:05 AM FunctionApp-FA: Command: "C:\home\site\deployments\tools\deploy.cmd" 1:57:06 AM FunctionApp-FA: Handling Basic Web Site deployment. 1:57:06 AM FunctionApp-FA: Creating app_offline.htm 1:57:06 AM FunctionApp-FA: KuduSync.NET from: 'C:\local\Temp\zipdeploy\extracted' to: 'C:\home\site\wwwroot' 1:57:06 AM FunctionApp-FA: Deleting app_offline.htm 1:57:06 AM FunctionApp-FA: Finished successfully. 1:57:06 AM FunctionApp-FA: Running post deployment command(s)... 1:57:07 AM FunctionApp-FA: Triggering recycle (preview mode disabled). 1:57:07 AM FunctionApp-FA: Deployment successful. 1:57:35 AM FunctionApp-FA: Syncing triggers... 1:57:39 AM FunctionApp-FA: Querying triggers... 1:57:48 AM FunctionApp-FA: No HTTP triggers found.

alexweininger commented 3 weeks ago

The "Error: The operation was aborted." was also reported by

The error is happening after the zip has been created, and sounds like an error from the deploy service itself. It's interesting that the zip size is different when it works. Is it always 773 kB when it works? Have you been able to deploy consistently in the past?

RRanks commented 3 weeks ago

The "Error: The operation was aborted." was also reported by #3805 (comment)

The error is happening after the zip has been created, and sounds like an error from the deploy service itself. It's interesting that the zip size is different when it works. Is it always 773 kB when it works? Have you been able to deploy consistently in the past?

I might have made small change between deployments making the size different. But that would just be in the function code and should be causing deployment issues.

I also realized I had rolled back to an older version for the errors above, as I was testing if that would solve it. It does seem similar to the #3805 you mention above though. As in the current version I do get the ""Error: The operation was aborted."" error and also I think I saw messages about no triggers found..

I updated back to the latest version and get this: image

RRanks commented 3 weeks ago

And today all 3 are working .. Maybe the issue was cloud side? as the error above mentions internalServerError from host? image