microsoft / vscode-azureresourcegroups

VS Code extension for managing Azure resources.
MIT License
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Does not show Subscription info #828

Open cpich3g opened 6 months ago

cpich3g commented 6 months ago

Does this occur consistently? Yes Repro steps:

  1. Open Extension
  2. Under Resources -> Select Subscription -> No Subscription Available to select

Version: 0.8.4 OS: win32 OS Release: 10.0.22635 Product: Visual Studio Code Product Version: 1.87.0 Language: en

alexweininger commented 6 months ago

Could you share a screenshot? Also, try using the "Azure: Sign in to Directory..." command.

longtimedeveloper commented 6 months ago

@cpich3g @alexweininger I have the exact same issue.

clicking on sign into directory does nothing. Yes, I tried signing out and signing back in again.

I have the exact same issue.

Version 0.8.4 has a big problem signing into Azure.

I revered back to version 0.7.3 and the resources appeared immediately.

This should be a P0 bug and correct ASAP. Thank you!

motm32 commented 6 months ago

Hi @longtimedeveloper could you include more detailed repro steps? Please include screenshots, your account type, which extensions you are using, and any other special info about your account if possible. Thank you!

longtimedeveloper commented 6 months ago

@motm32 no steps are required. Install version 0.8.4 and try to sign into Azure. It does not work. You have two people telling you the exact same thing.

I am using Windows 10. Can't upgrade due to processor requirements. Windows 11 does not like my Core i7 processor.

What is an account type? Never heard of this before.

Chrome is my default browser and opens when I sign into Azure using the 0.7.3 extension.

I am a volunteer in Ukraine. I apologize, I don't have time to reconfigure my system to get you a screenshot of a broken extension.

These are my vscode extensions:

alefragnani.Bookmarks alexisvt.flutter-snippets aljazsim.tsco austenc.tailwind-docs blakeh.jump-to-test bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss Dart-Code.dart-code Dart-Code.flutter dbaeumer.vscode-eslint dsznajder.es7-react-js-snippets EditorConfig.EditorConfig esbenp.prettier-vscode forbeslindesay.forbeslindesay-taskrunner formulahendry.code-runner george-alisson.html-preview-vscode
gmlewis-vscode.flutter-stylizer Gruntfuggly.todo-tree kreativ-software.csharpextensions
markis.code-coverage mechatroner.rainbow-csv mikeburgh.xml-format miquelddg.dart-barrel-file-generator
ms-azuretools.vscode-azureresourcegroups ms-dotnettools.csdevkit ms-dotnettools.csharp ms-dotnettools.vscode-dotnet-runtime plibither8.remove-comments ritwickdey.LiveServer shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced
tamasfe.even-better-toml Tyriar.sort-lines usernamehw.errorlens valentjn.vscode-ltex vincaslt.highlight-matching-tag vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons yatki.vscode-surround

I do hope this helps to fix this. Many people have been reporting problems signing into Azure from vscode for years. Some reports are different from this one, but never the less, problems signing in. I really hope you can finally get this sorted out.

Have a nice and productive day!

Dangerous-Mind commented 6 months ago

Same problem in here.

Had a lot of trouble getting the subscriptions of the first two tenants to be visible. Now I'm adding another tenant and I don't see any subscriptions again.

Doing "Azure: Select Subscriptions" and "Azure: Select Subscriptions..." give me this results:

Azure: Select Subscriptions image

Azure: Select Subscriptions... image

longtimedeveloper commented 6 months ago

@Dangerous-Mind did you try installing version 0.7.3 ? I hope you can get your situation sorted out. Thank you for adding your feedback and information. I pray Microsoft can sort this out.

Dangerous-Mind commented 6 months ago

@longtimedeveloper I gave permission on this new tenant Resource Group to a user that was already working on another tenant and the resource group appeared. Removed the permission and the resource group disappeared.

It looks like he's using the wrong user on this new tenant.

Dangerous-Mind commented 6 months ago

I removed the user permission of the working tenant on VS Code and the Resource Group appeared with the second user. Then added back the first user and it seams to be working fine for both users. But sometimes it still messes things up not showing the correct RG.

It's definitely using the wrong user to get the Resources on that second tenant.

PS- It's still pretty broken after that. There were no resources visible inside the resource groups.