microsoft / vscode-azureresourcegroups

VS Code extension for managing Azure resources.
MIT License
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Cannot load resources for subscription. Loading indicator just spins... #832

Closed ameltzer-MSFT closed 2 months ago

ameltzer-MSFT commented 3 months ago

Does this occur consistently? Yes Repro steps:

This worked earlier today, but just stopped working.

I am able to sign in and view subscriptions, but when I click on a subscription to view its resources, it just sits there with a loading indicator.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the extension, and signing out/back in to Azure but it doesn't resolve the issue.


Version: 0.8.4 OS: win32 OS Release: 10.0.22631 Product: Visual Studio Code Product Version: 1.87.2 Language: en

alexweininger commented 2 months ago

Hi @ameltzer-MSFT, are you still facing this issue?

ameltzer-MSFT commented 2 months ago

It has been fine today. Closing.