microsoft / vscode-azureresourcegroups

VS Code extension for managing Azure resources.
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Use `process.execPath` instead of `process.argv0` to fix launching Cloud Shell on Linux #854

Closed alexweininger closed 1 month ago

alexweininger commented 1 month ago

This fix addresses

For some reason only on Linux (in my case Ubuntu desktop 22.04.2) process.execPath and process.argv0 are different. We are using the process.argv0 value as the shell args that start up the child process to control the custom cloud shell shell. And for linux, /proc/self/exe wasn't working, but when I change it to process.execPath it's happy.

I'd love for some info on this if anyone knows what's going on here.

on Linux:

Pasted Graphic

on macOS:

Pasted Graphic 1