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Stop using `--ms-enable-electron-run-as-node` flag to fix launching Cloud Shell on macOS #855

Closed alexweininger closed 1 month ago

alexweininger commented 1 month ago

This fix addresses

Stop using --ms-enable-electron-run-as-node flag since it's no longer supported.

I reached out to the VS Code team for more clarification on this flag and what it does:

The flag was added originally as a fix for an MSRC case reported against VS Code desktop application on macOS. The attack used the ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE mode to start VS Code application as a node process to execute malicious scripts from within an sandboxed application using NODE_REQUIRE env flags. Mac app sandbox disallows command line flags when launching external applications but does allow env variables hence the attack became possible. So this also provided a way for us to disable the attack by only the ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE mode be available when --ms-enable-electron-run-as-node is passed alongside. This was a patch we carried on top of Electron for a while and eventually upstreamed it with a different solution . Hence the flag is now obsolete.

I also asked why ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE is still needed, when the flag is not:

If we want to fork a child process as a node.js process from within the application then the env variable is needed.

Some reference PRs on the VS Code side: