microsoft / vscode-azureresourcegroups

VS Code extension for managing Azure resources.
MIT License
47 stars 29 forks source link

Extension shows placeholder names (e.g. %azureResourcesGroups.refresh%) for settings, commands, etc. Everything broken #867

Closed lavendelchen closed 1 month ago

lavendelchen commented 1 month ago

OS: WSL Windows 10

I might have installed and uninstalled different azure vscode extensions too many times, now everything is just broken and I have no idea how to fix it except reinstall vscode completely?

Currently there are the Azure Account and Azure Resource Groups extension installed. I have tried with only installing one of them, all produces the same result. I will share some example screenshots:



If I try to do any action, it causes errors, like creating a new resource:



or executing any command:



lavendelchen commented 1 month ago

Update Solved by manually deleting extension caches in WSL and installing the extension again after.


  1. Navigate to /home/<user>/.vscode-server/extensions/ in WSL terminal
  2. Look for any azure-related folders in there, e.g. ms-azuretools.vscode-azureresourcegroups-<version>
  3. Delete them with rm -rf
  4. Close VSCode
  5. Reopen and reinstall extension(s)
nturinski commented 1 month ago

I'm glad that you were able to resolve it! Closing for now since it doesn't seem like something that we can control on our end.