microsoft / vscode-cmake-tools

CMake integration in Visual Studio Code
MIT License
1.43k stars 429 forks source link

[loc] The content of the prompt box is not translated when hovering over the default value in the project status #3802

Open v-frankwang opened 4 weeks ago

v-frankwang commented 4 weeks ago

Brief Issue Summary

Repro steps:

  1. Create a new folder named 'Test' and open it with vscode.

  2. Create a file named CMakeLists.txt with the following content:

         cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8) 
         add_executable(Test "main.cpp")
  3. Create a file named test.cpp with the following content:

         #include <iostream> 
         auto main() -> int { std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl; }
  4. Create a file named CMakePresets.json with the following content:

             "version": 3,
             "configurePresets": [
                        "name": "windows-base",
                        "hidden": true,
                        "generator": "Ninja",
                        "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/out/build/${presetName}",
                        "installDir": "${sourceDir}/out/install/${presetName}",
                        "cacheVariables": {
                        "CMAKE_C_COMPILER": "cl.exe",
                        "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER": "cl.exe"
                       "condition": {
                       "type": "equals",
                       "lhs": "${hostSystemName}",
                       "rhs": "Windows"
                      "name": "x64-debug",
                      "displayName": "x64 Debug",
                      "inherits": "windows-base",
                      "architecture": {
                      "value": "x64",
                       "strategy": "external"
                       "cacheVariables": {
                        "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Debug"
                       "name": "x64-release",
                       "displayName": "x64 Release",
                       "inherits": "x64-debug",
                       "cacheVariables": {
                       "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Release"
                  "name": "x86-debug",
                  "displayName": "x86 Debug",
                  "inherits": "windows-base",
                  "architecture": {
                  "value": "x86",
                  "strategy": "external"
                  "cacheVariables": {
                  "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Debug"
                   "name": "x86-release",
                   "displayName": "x86 Release",
                   "inherits": "x86-debug",
                   "cacheVariables": {
                   "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE": "Release"
  5. Run command: “CMake:configure”

  6. Click on CMake in the left navigation bar

  7. Default value for hovering the mouse over the item state

Actual results: image

CMake Tools Diagnostics

No response

Debug Log

No response

Additional Information

No response

v-frankwang commented 2 days ago

@gcampbell-msft I verified the issue on the latest version:v1.18.42 of CMake tools and it still reproduced, so I reopen this issue.

Actual results: image