More info: This issue is not reproduced in the pre-release version v1.20.17 (pre-release), so it is a regression bug.
Repro Steps:
Create a folder named demo and open it with vscode.
Create a project using the CMake: Quick Start command.
Reopen the project and run the command CMake: Add Configure Preset
When creating a project:Expected results:
The contents of the dropdown list when adding a preset and the values of the displayName and description attributes in the added preset code are translated.
Actual result:
The contents of the drop-down list and the values of the displayName and description attributes in the preset code are not translated when the preset is added.
When adding a new preset:Expected results:
When adding a new preset, the content in the drop-down list is correctly translated
Actual result:
When adding a new preset, the contents of the drop-down list are not translated
Brief Issue Summary
More info: This issue is not reproduced in the pre-release version v1.20.17 (pre-release), so it is a regression bug.
Repro Steps:
When creating a project: Expected results: The contents of the dropdown list when adding a preset and the values of the displayName and description attributes in the added preset code are translated.
Actual result: The contents of the drop-down list and the values of the displayName and description attributes in the preset code are not translated when the preset is added.
When adding a new preset: Expected results: When adding a new preset, the content in the drop-down list is correctly translated
Actual result: When adding a new preset, the contents of the drop-down list are not translated
CMake Tools Diagnostics
{ "os": "win32", "vscodeVersion": "1.95.1", "cmtVersion": "1.20.22", "configurations": [ { "folder": "c:\Users\v-frankwang\Desktop\test", "cmakeVersion": "3.30.4", "configured": true, "generator": "Ninja", "usesPresets": true, "compilers": { "C": "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/IntPreview/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.42.34430/bin/Hostx86/x64/cl.exe", "CXX": "C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/IntPreview/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.42.34430/bin/Hostx86/x64/cl.exe" } } ], "cpptoolsIntegration": { "isReady": true, "hasCodeModel": true, "activeBuildType": "Debug", "buildTypesSeen": [ "Debug" ], "requests": [], "responses": [], "partialMatches": [], "targetCount": 1, "executablesCount": 1, "librariesCount": 0, "targets": [ { "name": "helloworld", "type": "EXECUTABLE" } ] }, "settings": [ { "communicationMode": "automatic", "useCMakePresets": "auto", "configureOnOpen": true } ] }
Debug Log
No response
Additional Information
No response