microsoft / vscode-copilot-release

Feedback on GitHub Copilot Chat UX in Visual Studio Code.
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
340 stars 36 forks source link

error in code #2524

Open lutismasra123 opened 6 days ago

lutismasra123 commented 6 days ago

Type: Bug

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import { View, Text, Button, StyleSheet, Modal, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, Alert, ScrollView, FlatList, Image, ActivityIndicator, Switch } from 'react-native'; import MapView, { Marker } from 'react-native-maps'; import { GestureHandlerRootView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import { collection, onSnapshot, doc, getDoc, setDoc, addDoc, query, where, getDocs } from 'firebase/firestore'; import { onAuthStateChanged, createUserWithEmailAndPassword, signInWithEmailAndPassword, UserCredential } from 'firebase/auth'; import { ref, uploadBytesResumable, getDownloadURL } from 'firebase/storage'; import axios from 'axios'; import as Location from 'expo-location'; import as ImagePicker from 'expo-image-picker'; import WelcomeScreen from './WelcomeScreen'; // Import the WelcomeScreen component

export default function HomeScreen() { const [showWelcomeScreen, setShowWelcomeScreen] = useState(true); // State to manage the welcome screen const [selectedHouse, setSelectedHouse] = useState<House | null>(null); const [rating, setRating] = useState(0); const [comment, setComment] = useState(''); const [addHouseModalVisible, setAddHouseModalVisible] = useState(false); const [newAddress, setNewAddress] = useState(''); const [floor, setFloor] = useState<number | undefined>(undefined); const [newPhotos, setNewPhotos] = useState<string[]>([]); const [houses, setHouses] = useState<House[]>([]); const [suggestions, setSuggestions] = useState<any[]>([]); const [user, setUser] = useState<User | null>(null); const [email, setEmail] = useState(''); const [password, setPassword] = useState(''); const [showLogin, setShowLogin] = useState(false); const [loadingSuggestions, setLoadingSuggestions] = useState(false); const [streetName, setStreetName] = useState(''); const [doorNumber, setDoorNumber] = useState(''); const [surface, setSurface] = useState<number | undefined>(undefined); const [houseType, setHouseType] = useState(''); const [side, setSide] = useState<'rue' | 'cour' | 'rue+cour' | undefined>(undefined); const [mainStreet, setMainStreet] = useState(''); const [isMultipleStreets, setIsMultipleStreets] = useState(false); const [isChecked, setIsChecked] = useState(false); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [housingType, setHousingType] = useState<'maison' | 'appartement' | undefined>(undefined); const [existingApartmentSelected, setExistingApartmentSelected] = useState(false); const debounceTimeoutRef = useRef<NodeJS.Timeout | null>(null); // Updated typing const [translateY] = useState(new Animated.Value(0)); const [modalVisible, setModalVisible] = useState(false); const [isFullForm, setIsFullForm] = useState(false); const [showVerificationMessage, setShowVerificationMessage] = useState(true); // New state variable

// Charger les logements depuis Firestore en temps réel useEffect(() => { const housesCollection = collection(db, 'houses');

const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(housesCollection, (snapshot) => {
  const housesData: House[] = => ({
    id:, // Utiliser l'ID généré par Firestore,
  })) as House[];
}, (error) => {
  console.error('Erreur lors de la récupération des logements:', error);
  Alert.alert('Erreur', 'Impossible de récupérer les logements.');

return () => unsubscribe();

}, []);

// Surveiller l'état d'authentification et récupérer les données utilisateur useEffect(() => { const unsubscribeAuth = onAuthStateChanged(auth, async (authUser) => { if (authUser) { const uid = authUser.uid; const userDoc = await getDoc(doc(db, 'users', uid)); if (userDoc.exists()) { const userData =; const currentUser: User = { uid: uid, email: || '', proofOfResidence: userData.proofOfResidence, }; setUser(currentUser); } else { // Si le document utilisateur n'existe pas, créez-le const newUser: User = { uid: uid, email: || '', }; setUser(newUser); await setDoc(doc(db, 'users', uid), { email:, }); } } else { setUser(null); } });

return () => unsubscribeAuth();

}, []);

const handleCancel = () => { setAddHouseModalVisible(false); setIsFullForm(false); // Réinitialiser l'état pour afficher le petit formulaire par défaut };

const resetFormFields = () => { setNewAddress(''); setFloor(undefined); setSurface(undefined); setHouseType(''); setSide(undefined); setMainStreet(''); setRating(0); setComment(''); setNewPhotos([]); setSuggestions([]); setExistingApartmentSelected(false); setHousingType(undefined); }; // Fonction pour mettre à jour l'adresse et obtenir des suggestions const handleAddressChange = (address: string) => { setNewAddress(address);

// Clear previous timeout to reset the debounce delay
if (debounceTimeoutRef.current) {

// If the input is too short, clear the suggestions and return
if (address.length < 3) {

// Set the debounce timeout to trigger API after 5 seconds of inactivity
debounceTimeoutRef.current = setTimeout(async () => {

  try {
    const response = await axios.get('', {
      params: {
        key: 'pk.d479d2963139d82080bb400f75d95123',
        q: address,
        format: 'json',
        addressdetails: 1,
        limit: 5,

    const filteredSuggestions =, 2);  // Display only top 2 suggestions
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error retrieving address suggestions:', error);
    Alert.alert('Error', 'Unable to retrieve address suggestions.');
  } finally {
}, 1500);  // The debounce delay starts after typing stops


const uploadImage = async (imageUri: string) => { if (!imageUri) return null;

// Obtenir le nom de fichier à partir de l'URI de l'image const fileName = imageUri.substring(imageUri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

// Référence de l'image dans Firebase Storage const reference = ref(storage, images/${fileName});

// Adapter l'URI pour iOS si nécessaire const uploadUri = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? imageUri.replace('file://', '') : imageUri;

try { // Lire le fichier comme un blob (car uploadBytesResumable ne prend pas directement des URI) const response = await fetch(uploadUri); const blob = await response.blob();

// Commencer le téléchargement avec Firebase Storage
const task = uploadBytesResumable(reference, blob);

// Suivre la progression du téléchargement
task.on('state_changed', (snapshot) => {
  console.log(`${snapshot.bytesTransferred} bytes transferred out of ${snapshot.totalBytes}`);

// Attendre la fin du téléchargement
await task;

// Obtenir l'URL de téléchargement de l'image
const downloadUrl = await getDownloadURL(reference);
console.log('Image successfully uploaded: ', downloadUrl);
return downloadUrl;

} catch (error) { console.error('Error uploading image: ', error); return null; } };

// Fonction pour ajouter ou mettre à jour un logement avec la note et le commentaire const normalizeCoordinate = (coord: number, precision: number = 6) => { return parseFloat(coord.toFixed(precision)); };

const findExistingHouse = async (latitude: number, longitude: number) => { const normalizedLatitude = normalizeCoordinate(latitude); const normalizedLongitude = normalizeCoordinate(longitude);

const q = query( collection(db, 'houses'), where('latitude', '==', normalizedLatitude), where('longitude', '==', normalizedLongitude) ); const querySnapshot = await getDocs(q); if (!querySnapshot.empty) { const doc =[0]; return { id:, } as House; } return null; };

const addOrUpdateMarker = async () => { if (!newAddress || !user || (housingType === 'appartement' && !floor)) { Alert.alert('Veuillez remplir tous les champs et être connecté.'); return; }

try { setLoading(true); console.log('Fetching address details...'); const response = await axios.get('', { params: { key: 'pk.d479d2963139d82080bb400f75d95123', q: newAddress, format: 'json', addressdetails: 1, limit: 1, }, });

const data =[0];
if (data) {
  const latitude = normalizeCoordinate(parseFloat(;
  const longitude = normalizeCoordinate(parseFloat(data.lon));

  console.log('Address found:', { latitude, longitude });

  const existingHouse = await findExistingHouse(latitude, longitude);

  let filteredApartments: any[] = [];
  if (existingHouse && !existingApartmentSelected) {
    console.log('Existing house found:', existingHouse);
    let existingApartments =;
    if (housingType === 'appartement') {
      existingApartments = existingApartments.filter(apartment =>
        apartment.ratings.some(rating => rating.floor === floor)

    filteredApartments = existingApartments.filter(apartment =>
      apartment.ratings.some(rating => rating.floor === floor)

    console.log('Filtered apartments:', filteredApartments);

    'Votre logement est-il présent parmi ces résultats?',
    'Veuillez choisir un appartement existant ou ajouter un nouveau logement.',
    [ => ({
        text: `${apartment.surface} m², ${apartment.houseType}, côté ${apartment.side}, rue ${apartment.mainStreet}`,
        onPress: () => {
          console.log('User selected existing apartment:', apartment);
          setMainStreet(apartment.mainStreet || '');
          setFloor(apartment.ratings.find((rating: { floor: any; }) => rating.floor)?.floor);
          console.log('Full form state set for existing apartment:', { isFullForm: true, addHouseModalVisible: true });
        text: 'Ajouter un nouveau logement',
        onPress: () => {
          console.log('User chose to add a new apartment.');
          console.log('Full form state set for new apartment:', { isFullForm: true, addHouseModalVisible: true });
        style: 'cancel',
    { cancelable: false }

} else {
  Alert.alert('Erreur', 'Adresse non trouvée.');

} catch (error) { console.error('Erreur lors de la vérification des logements existants:', error); Alert.alert('Erreur', 'Erreur lors de la vérification des logements existants.'); setLoading(false); } };

const proceedWithNoteValidation = async (badgeLevel: number) => { try { setLoading(true); console.log('Loading state:', loading); // Ajoutez cette ligne pour vérifier l'état loading // Request and update geolocation const location = await requestAndUpdateGeolocation();

const response = await axios.get('', {
  params: {
    key: 'pk.d479d2963139d82080bb400f75d95123',
    q: newAddress,
    format: 'json',
    addressdetails: 1,
    limit: 1,

const data =[0];
if (data) {
  const latitude = normalizeCoordinate(parseFloat(;
  const longitude = normalizeCoordinate(parseFloat(data.lon));

  const areaType = await getAreaType(latitude, longitude);
  const tolerance = areaType === 'urban' ? 30 : 100;

  let updatedBadgeLevel = badgeLevel;

  if (location) {
    const distance = getDistance(
      { latitude, longitude },
      { latitude: location.coords.latitude, longitude: location.coords.longitude }

    if (distance <= tolerance) {
      updatedBadgeLevel = 1; // Update badge level to 1 if within tolerance
    } else {
      Alert.alert('Erreur', `La position géolocalisée est trop éloignée de l'adresse saisie. Tolérance: ${tolerance} mètres.`);
  } else {
    // Geolocation is not available, prompt the user
      'Géolocalisation désactivée',
      'La géolocalisation est désactivée. Voulez-vous quand même déposer la note ? La crédibilité de votre note sera faible voire nulle.',
          text: 'Non',
          onPress: () => {
            setLoading(false); // Stop loading if the user chooses not to proceed
          style: 'cancel',
          text: 'Oui',
          onPress: () => {
            // Proceed with submission despite low credibility
            submitNoteWithoutGeolocation(latitude, longitude, badgeLevel);
      { cancelable: false }

  const existingHouse = await findExistingHouse(latitude, longitude);

  const uploadedPhotoUrls = await Promise.all( => uploadImage(photoUri)));
  const validUploadedPhotoUrls = uploadedPhotoUrls.filter(url => url !== null);

  if (existingHouse) {
    if (!user) {
      throw new Error('User must be logged in to add a rating.');

    let apartment;
    if (housingType === 'appartement') {
      if (!surface || !side || !floor) {
        throw new Error('Surface, side, and floor must be defined to create a new apartment.');

      apartment = =>
        apartment.surface === surface &&
        apartment.side === side &&
        apartment.houseType === houseType &&
        apartment.mainStreet === mainStreet &&
        apartment.ratings.some(rating => rating.floor === floor)

      if (!apartment) {
        apartment = {
          surface: surface ?? 0,
          ratings: []
    } else {
      apartment =[0] || {
        surface: surface ?? 0,
        side: 'n/a',
        houseType: 'maison',
        ratings: []
      if (! {;

      userId: user.uid,
      floor: housingType === 'appartement' ? (floor ?? 0) : 0,
      photos: validUploadedPhotoUrls,
      badgeLevel: updatedBadgeLevel

    const averageRating = calculateAverageRating( => apartment.ratings)

    const updatedHouse: Partial<House> = {
      title: `${averageRating.toFixed(1)}`,

    await setDoc(doc(db, 'houses',, updatedHouse, { merge: true });
    Alert.alert('Succès', 'Logement mis à jour avec succès.');
  } else {
    if (!user) {
      throw new Error('User must be logged in to add a rating.');

    let newApartment: Apartment;
    if (housingType === 'appartement') {
      if (!surface || !side || !floor) {
        throw new Error('Surface, side, and floor must be defined to create a new apartment.');

      newApartment =import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

import { View, Text, Button, StyleSheet, Modal, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, Alert, ScrollView, FlatList, Image, ActivityIndicator, Switch } from 'react-native'; import MapView, { Marker } from 'react-native-maps'; import { GestureHandlerRootView } from 'react-native-gesture-handler'; import { collection, onSnapshot, doc, getDoc, setDoc, addDoc, query, where, getDocs } from 'firebase/firestore'; import { onAuthStateChanged, createUserWithEmailAndPassword, signInWithEmailAndPassword, UserCredential } from 'firebase/auth'; import { ref, uploadBytesResumable, getDownloadURL } from 'firebase/storage'; import axios from 'axios'; import as Location from 'expo-location'; import as ImagePicker from 'expo-image-picker'; import WelcomeScreen from './WelcomeScreen'; // Import the WelcomeScreen component

export default function HomeScreen() { const [showWelcomeScreen, setShowWelcomeScreen] = useState(true); // State to manage the welcome screen const [selectedHouse, setSelectedHouse] = useState<House | null>(null); const [rating, setRating] = useState(0); const [comment, setComment] = useState(''); const [addHouseModalVisible, setAddHouseModalVisible] = useState(false); const [newAddress, setNewAddress] = useState(''); const [floor, setFloor] = useState<number | undefined>(undefined); const [newPhotos, setNewPhotos] = useState<string[]>([]); const [houses, setHouses] = useState<House[]>([]); const [suggestions, setSuggestions] = useState<any[]>([]); const [user, setUser] = useState<User | null>(null); const [email, setEmail] = useState(''); const [password, setPassword] = useState(''); const [showLogin, setShowLogin] = useState(false); const [loadingSuggestions, setLoadingSuggestions] = useState(false); const [streetName, setStreetName] = useState(''); const [doorNumber, setDoorNumber] = useState(''); const [surface, setSurface] = useState<number | undefined>(undefined); const [houseType, setHouseType] = useState(''); const [side, setSide] = useState<'rue' | 'cour' | 'rue+cour' | undefined>(undefined); const [mainStreet, setMainStreet] = useState(''); const [isMultipleStreets, setIsMultipleStreets] = useState(false); const [isChecked, setIsChecked] = useState(false); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [housingType, setHousingType] = useState<'maison' | 'appartement' | undefined>(undefined); const [existingApartmentSelected, setExistingApartmentSelected] = useState(false); const debounceTimeoutRef = useRef<NodeJS.Timeout | null>(null); // Updated typing const [translateY] = useState(new Animated.Value(0)); const [modalVisible, setModalVisible] = useState(false); const [isFullForm, setIsFullForm] = useState(false); const [showVerificationMessage, setShowVerificationMessage] = useState(true); // New state variable

// Charger les logements depuis Firestore en temps réel useEffect(() => { const housesCollection = collection(db, 'houses');

const unsubscribe = onSnapshot(housesCollection, (snapshot) => {
  const housesData: House[] = => ({
    id:, // Utiliser l'ID généré par Firestore,
  })) as House[];
}, (error) => {
  console.error('Erreur lors de la récupération des logements:', error);
  Alert.alert('Erreur', 'Impossible de récupérer les logements.');

return () => unsubscribe();

}, []);

// Surveiller l'état d'authentification et récupérer les données utilisateur useEffect(() => { const unsubscribeAuth = onAuthStateChanged(auth, async (authUser) => { if (authUser) { const uid = authUser.uid; const userDoc = await getDoc(doc(db, 'users', uid)); if (userDoc.exists()) { const userData =; const currentUser: User = { uid: uid, email: || '', proofOfResidence: userData.proofOfResidence, }; setUser(currentUser); } else { // Si le document utilisateur n'existe pas, créez-le const newUser: User = { uid: uid, email: || '', }; setUser(newUser); await setDoc(doc(db, 'users', uid), { email:, }); } } else { setUser(null); } });

return () => unsubscribeAuth();

}, []);

const handleCancel = () => { setAddHouseModalVisible(false); setIsFullForm(false); // Réinitialiser l'état pour afficher le petit formulaire par défaut };

const resetFormFields = () => { setNewAddress(''); setFloor(undefined); setSurface(undefined); setHouseType(''); setSide(undefined); setMainStreet(''); setRating(0); setComment(''); setNewPhotos([]); setSuggestions([]); setExistingApartmentSelected(false); setHousingType(undefined); }; // Fonction pour mettre à jour l'adresse et obtenir des suggestions const handleAddressChange = (address: string) => { setNewAddress(address);

// Clear previous timeout to reset the debounce delay
if (debounceTimeoutRef.current) {

// If the input is too short, clear the suggestions and return
if (address.length < 3) {

// Set the debounce timeout to trigger API after 5 seconds of inactivity
debounceTimeoutRef.current = setTimeout(async () => {

  try {
    const response = await axios.get('', {
      params: {
        key: 'pk.d479d2963139d82080bb400f75d95123',
        q: address,
        format: 'json',
        addressdetails: 1,
        limit: 5,

    const filteredSuggestions =, 2);  // Display only top 2 suggestions
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error retrieving address suggestions:', error);
    Alert.alert('Error', 'Unable to retrieve address suggestions.');
  } finally {
}, 1500);  // The debounce delay starts after typing stops


const uploadImage = async (imageUri: string) => { if (!imageUri) return null;

// Obtenir le nom de fichier à partir de l'URI de l'image const fileName = imageUri.substring(imageUri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

// Référence de l'image dans Firebase Storage const reference = ref(storage, images/${fileName});

// Adapter l'URI pour iOS si nécessaire const uploadUri = Platform.OS === 'ios' ? imageUri.replace('file://', '') : imageUri;

try { // Lire le fichier comme un blob (car uploadBytesResumable ne prend pas directement des URI) const response = await fetch(uploadUri); const blob = await response.blob();

// Commencer le téléchargement avec Firebase Storage
const task = uploadBytesResumable(reference, blob);

// Suivre la progression du téléchargement
task.on('state_changed', (snapshot) => {
  console.log(`${snapshot.bytesTransferred} bytes transferred out of ${snapshot.totalBytes}`);

// Attendre la fin du téléchargement
await task;

// Obtenir l'URL de téléchargement de l'image
const downloadUrl = await getDownloadURL(reference);
console.log('Image successfully uploaded: ', downloadUrl);
return downloadUrl;

} catch (error) { console.error('Error uploading image: ', error); return null; } };

// Fonction pour ajouter ou mettre à jour un logement avec la note et le commentaire const normalizeCoordinate = (coord: number, precision: number = 6) => { return parseFloat(coord.toFixed(precision)); };

const findExistingHouse = async (latitude: number, longitude: number) => { const normalizedLatitude = normalizeCoordinate(latitude); const normalizedLongitude = normalizeCoordinate(longitude);

const q = query( collection(db, 'houses'), where('latitude', '==', normalizedLatitude), where('longitude', '==', normalizedLongitude) ); const querySnapshot = await getDocs(q); if (!querySnapshot.empty) { const doc =[0]; return { id:, } as House; } return null; };

const addOrUpdateMarker = async () => { if (!newAddress || !user || (housingType === 'appartement' && !floor)) { Alert.alert('Veuillez remplir tous les champs et être connecté.'); return; }

try { setLoading(true); console.log('Fetching address details...'); const response = await axios.get('', { params: { key: 'pk.d479d2963139d82080bb400f75d95123', q: newAddress, format: 'json', addressdetails: 1, limit: 1, }, });

const data =[0];
if (data) {
  const latitude = normalizeCoordinate(parseFloat(;
  const longitude = normalizeCoordinate(parseFloat(data.lon));

  console.log('Address found:', { latitude, longitude });

  const existingHouse = await findExistingHouse(latitude, longitude);

  let filteredApartments: any[] = [];
  if (existingHouse && !existingApartmentSelected) {
    console.log('Existing house found:', existingHouse);
    let existingApartments =;
    if (housingType === 'appartement') {
      existingApartments = existingApartments.filter(apartment =>
        apartment.ratings.some(rating => rating.floor === floor)

    filteredApartments = existingApartments.filter(apartment =>
      apartment.ratings.some(rating => rating.floor === floor)

    console.log('Filtered apartments:', filteredApartments);

    'Votre logement est-il présent parmi ces résultats?',
    'Veuillez choisir un appartement existant ou ajouter un nouveau logement.',
    [ => ({
        text: `${apartment.surface} m², ${apartment.houseType}, côté ${apartment.side}, rue ${apartment.mainStreet}`,
        onPress: () => {
          console.log('User selected existing apartment:', apartment);
          setMainStreet(apartment.mainStreet || '');
          setFloor(apartment.ratings.find((rating: { floor: any; }) => rating.floor)?.floor);
          console.log('Full form state set for existing apartment:', { isFullForm: true, addHouseModalVisible: true });
        text: 'Ajouter un nouveau logement',
        onPress: () => {
          console.log('User chose to add a new apartment.');
          console.log('Full form state set for new apartment:', { isFullForm: true, addHouseModalVisible: true });
        style: 'cancel',
    { cancelable: false }

} else {
  Alert.alert('Erreur', 'Adresse non trouvée.');

} catch (error) { console.error('Erreur lors de la vérification des logements existants:', error); Alert.alert('Erreur', 'Erreur lors de la vérification des logements existants.'); setLoading(false); } };

const proceedWithNoteValidation = async (badgeLevel: number) => { try { setLoading(true); console.log('Loading state:', loading); // Ajoutez cette ligne pour vérifier l'état loading // Request and update geolocation const location = await requestAndUpdateGeolocation();

const response = await axios.get('', {
  params: {
    key: 'pk.d479d2963139d82080bb400f75d95123',
    q: newAddress,
    format: 'json',
    addressdetails: 1,
    limit: 1,

const data =[0];
if (data) {
  const latitude = normalizeCoordinate(parseFloat(;
  const longitude = normalizeCoordinate(parseFloat(data.lon));

  const areaType = await getAreaType(latitude, longitude);
  const tolerance = areaType === 'urban' ? 30 : 100;

  let updatedBadgeLevel = badgeLevel;

  if (location) {
    const distance = getDistance(
      { latitude, longitude },
      { latitude: location.coords.latitude, longitude: location.coords.longitude }

    if (distance <= tolerance) {
      updatedBadgeLevel = 1; // Update badge level to 1 if within tolerance
    } else {
      Alert.alert('Erreur', `La position géolocalisée est trop éloignée de l'adresse saisie. Tolérance: ${tolerance} mètres.`);
  } else {
    // Geolocation is not available, prompt the user
      'Géolocalisation désactivée',
      'La géolocalisation est désactivée. Voulez-vous quand même déposer la note ? La crédibilité de votre note sera faible voire nulle.',
          text: 'Non',
          onPress: () => {
            setLoading(false); // Stop loading if the user chooses not to proceed
          style: 'cancel',
          text: 'Oui',
          onPress: () => {
            // Proceed with submission despite low credibility
            submitNoteWithoutGeolocation(latitude, longitude, badgeLevel);
      { cancelable: false }

  const existingHouse = await findExistingHouse(latitude, longitude);

  const uploadedPhotoUrls = await Promise.all( => uploadImage(photoUri)));
  const validUploadedPhotoUrls = uploadedPhotoUrls.filter(url => url !== null);

  if (existingHouse) {
    if (!user) {
      throw new Error('User must be logged in to add a rating.');

    let apartment;
    if (housingType === 'appartement') {
      if (!surface || !side || !floor) {
        throw new Error('Surface, side, and floor must be defined to create a new apartment.');

      apartment = =>
        apartment.surface === surface &&
        apartment.side === side &&
        apartment.houseType === houseType &&
        apartment.mainStreet === mainStreet &&
        apartment.ratings.some(rating => rating.floor === floor)

      if (!apartment) {
        apartment = {
          surface: surface ?? 0,
          ratings: []
    } else {
      apartment =[0] || {
        surface: surface ?? 0,
        side: 'n/a',
        houseType: 'maison',
        ratings: []
      if (! {;

      userId: user.uid,
      floor: housingType === 'appartement' ? (floor ?? 0) : 0,
      photos: validUploadedPhotoUrls,
      badgeLevel: updatedBadgeLevel

    const averageRating = calculateAverageRating( => apartment.ratings)

    const updatedHouse: Partial<House> = {
      title: `${averageRating.toFixed(1)}`,

    await setDoc(doc(db, 'houses',, updatedHouse, { merge: true });
    Alert.alert('Succès', 'Logement mis à jour avec succès.');
  } else {
    if (!user) {
      throw new Error('User must be logged in to add a rating.');

    let newApartment: Apartment;
    if (housingType === 'appartement') {
      if (!surface || !side || !floor) {
        throw new Error('Surface, side, and floor must be defined to create a new apartment.');

      newApartment =/// it repeat the import phase, then it never end

Extension version: 0.22.2 VS Code version: Code 1.95.2 (e8653663e8840adaf45af01eab5c627a5af81807, 2024-11-07T11:07:22.054Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045 Modes:

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rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_graphite: disabled_off
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
vulkan: disabled_off
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
webgpu: enabled
webnn: disabled_off| |Load (avg)|undefined| |Memory (System)|7.91GB (1.08GB free)| |Process Argv|--crash-reporter-id b311a59f-9ff9-42ed-9c6a-2f202d0ce574| |Screen Reader|no| |VM|0%|
A/B Experiments ``` vsliv368cf:30146710 vspor879:30202332 vspor708:30202333 vspor363:30204092 vscod805:30301674 binariesv615:30325510 vsaa593cf:30376535 py29gd2263:31024239 c4g48928:30535728 azure-dev_surveyone:30548225 962ge761:30959799 pythongtdpath:30769146 pythonnoceb:30805159 asynctok:30898717 pythonmypyd1:30879173 2e7ec940:31000449 pythontbext0:30879054 cppperfnew:31000557 dsvsc020:30976470 pythonait:31006305 dsvsc021:30996838 f3je6385:31013174 dvdeprecation:31068756 dwnewjupytercf:31046870 newcmakeconfigv2:31071590 impr_priority:31102340 nativerepl2:31139839 refactort:31108082 pythonrstrctxt:31112756 cf971741:31144450 iacca1:31171482 notype1:31157159 5fd0e150:31155592 dwcopilot:31170013 ```
mjbvz commented 6 days ago

Please clearly explain the problem