microsoft / vscode-copilot-release

Feedback on GitHub Copilot Chat UX in Visual Studio Code.
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Feature Request: Arabic Language Support and Explanation #256

Closed aalrashaid closed 9 months ago

aalrashaid commented 1 year ago

Description: I kindly request the addition of Arabic language support and explanation capabilities to GitHub Copilot Chat. As an Arabic-speaking user, it would greatly enhance my experience and productivity to have the ability to communicate with Copilot in Arabic.


  1. Improved Accessibility: Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages worldwide, and incorporating support for it would make GitHub Copilot more accessible to a larger user base.
  2. Enhanced Collaboration: Many developers who communicate primarily in Arabic would benefit from being able to interact with Copilot in their native language. This would facilitate better collaboration and understanding within teams.
  3. Increased Productivity: Arabic language support would enable Arabic-speaking developers to write code and explanations more efficiently. Copilot's assistance in Arabic would help reduce language-related barriers and improve code quality and accuracy.

Explanation in Arabic: الرجاء إضافة دعم للغة العربية وإمكانية شرح الأكواد في GitHub Copilot Chat. كمستخدم يتحدث العربية، ستزيد إمكانية التواصل باللغة العربية من فائدتي وإنتاجيتي بشكل كبير في استخدام GitHub Copilot.


  1. تعزيز الوصولية: تعتبر العربية من أكثر اللغات المنتشرة في العالم، وبإضافة دعم اللغة العربية ستصبح GitHub Copilot أكثر قابلية للوصول لعدد أكبر من المستخدمين.
  2. تعزيز التعاون: العديد من المطورين الذين يتواصلون بالعربية سيستفيدون من القدرة على التفاعل مع Copilot بلغتهم الأم. سيسهم ذلك في تعزيز التعاون والتفاهم بين الفرق.
  3. زيادة الإنتاجية: سيمكن دعم العربية المطورين الناطقين بالعربية من كتابة الأكواد والشروح بشكل أكثر كفاءة. ستساعد مساعدة Copilot بالعربية في تقليل الحواجز اللغوية وتحسين جودة الأكواد والدقة.

I hope you consider my feature request for Arabic language support and explanation capabilities in GitHub Copilot Chat. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Sb09897 commented 1 year ago

I understand your intention...but it would take a very long time to implement it should not be implemented for arabic only but for most of the world's spoken language. Because, your are saying it for arabic then some day another person comes out to say add french and so on and so forth. Plus,The ChatGPT model is made in such a way to produce english correctly so it would be a mess to again teach him in all languages(if we do not use a translator) And adding a translator can produce mistakes which again needs to be fixed. Therefore i think that you should not close this issue as it will take a long life of atleast 5 yrs to implementation. Its comparatively new so i think it should need more time....

chengzhanli commented 1 year ago

I believe using a translator to offer assistance is acceptable, even if it may occasionally result in errors.

Sb09897 commented 1 year ago

I believe using a translator to offer assistance is acceptable, even if it may occasionally result in errors.

Errors would change the meaning i think!

As it is with the case of google translator

roblourens commented 9 months ago