microsoft / vscode-copilot-release

Feedback on GitHub Copilot Chat UX in Visual Studio Code.
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Copilot chat forgets previous response and often "starts from scratch" with follow-up questions #624

Open binaryfire opened 7 months ago

binaryfire commented 7 months ago

Something I've noticed about Copilot chat vs ChatGPT is the lack of conversation history awareness. ChatGPT keeps track of previous messages and replies in the context of the long-running conversation. Copilot constantly loses contextual awareness and as a result is pretty bad with follow up questions. It often replies as if it has no awareness of its previous response. But if you say "look at your previous response and try again" it gives you the answer you were looking for.

Please, please improve this. Copilot chat should always respond in the context of previous messages rather than the other way around.

binaryfire commented 7 months ago

FYI here is some info on how OpenAI does it with ChatGPT:

In the website version of ChatGPT, the contextual continuity is achieved through the resending of all prior messages for each new communication, ensuring the conversation maintains its coherence.

To replicate similar functionality through the API, developers must structure their API requests as a sequence of messages within a conversation. Each message in this sequence encompasses a “role” (system, user, or assistant) and “content” (the text of the message). By incorporating all prior messages within the conversation history while making API requests, developers provide the model with the essential context to produce relevant responses.

Does Copilot chat resend previous messages with each request?

binaryfire commented 4 months ago

This is still an issue. I have to regularly do this to get Copilot to consider the previous message when replying:


This really shouldn't be necessary. It has a big impact on flow and efficiency.

aj911x commented 4 months ago

Still an issue. Is this going to be resolved? If not don't think it is worth paying for

danielplatt-clx commented 3 months ago

I'm facing the same problem. but i use PHPStorm + the official copilot Plugin. I think, the problem it's not related to the IDE, but part of the copilot itself.

The prompt often forgets the context I gave it before and responds as if it were restarting. This means that copilot cannot be used to analyze complex problems.

Fabioni commented 3 months ago

copilot chat did work well in the beginning and now it is unusable because of this problem.

asyba commented 2 months ago

same issue, is so frustrating, have to repeat again and again the same.

Askir commented 2 months ago

FYI, it happens to me a lot more when I use @workspace in a followup message again. Maybe really just a context windows problem.

ksio7 commented 2 months ago

same problem here, i dont understand how its not solved yet

michaelmiscanuk commented 2 months ago


ShawnZuspaet commented 1 month ago

It got really bad for me in the past few days, I describe a specific problem, copilot asks me to provide a script for reference, but then explains the script instead of looking for the issue. If I then ask if he found the issue he asks me to provide the script again. i just tried it 8 times, different phrasing, trying to show the code in different ways. No luck

enginaar commented 1 month ago

Commenting to keep this issue on the radar. I’ve noticed it’s getting better at understanding context across multiple files, but it has the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to follow-up questions.

starburstq commented 1 month ago

ditto all the above

PatMc21 commented 1 month ago

Absolutely agree to all of the above, an infuriating problem and I hope github fix it quickly, has a time cost as well as an emotional one.

leevin03 commented 1 month ago


rpijoan-lsw commented 1 month ago

This issue keeps getting worse, today for the first time I couldn't even get Copilot to read previous replies stating that it was due privacy and confidentiality for the user. After 5 different prompts asking Copilot to re-read the chat it was impossible for me to make it work.

DapsterDan commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah, I'm getting this issue, it completely forgot what we were working on. And I have to remind it with various prompts, I won't be paying for this.

rafael-longo commented 1 week ago

I'm facing this issue as well. It NEVER keeps the prior questions in context in the chat (Not even the one asked immediately before the current one), therefore, follow-up questions are simply undoable. This was not the case when I started using it a few months ago. Very disappointing.

chanmathew commented 1 week ago

+1 This is a huge issue.

Kenan7 commented 1 week ago

+1 Facing this as well, It's pretty frustrating.

babalolajnr commented 4 days ago

+1 I have been looking for a way around this since forever. I don't want to have to go outside the IDE to prompt ChatGPT despite paying for Copilot.