microsoft / vscode-data-wrangler

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Quarto support #170

Open johnros opened 3 weeks ago

johnros commented 3 weeks ago

For people analyzing their data from within a Quarto .qmd file, not a Notebook- Is there a way to call DataWranger on my frames? Moreover, what if these frames are Polars and not Pandas?

dmonder commented 3 weeks ago

This works for me in Quarto. But I have to use pandas.

kycutler commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @johnros, thanks for opening this issue and for trying Data Wrangler! If you are executing a Quarto file using the Interactive window in VS Code, you should be able to view data in Data Wrangler via the Jupyter Variables panel:



If you are looking to view Polars data, please install the pre-release version of Data Wrangler as mentioned in #171.

Please let us know if this resolves the issue!